Ch. 5: LA BABAY!

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Shayla's P.O.V.

"Hurry! I think he's getting up!" I whisper yelled to Hannah.

She grabbed her hoodie and flipped her hood on. We ran out of the hotel before anyone could notice us. Whew!

"I got amazing sleep!"

"Your welcome for ordering the King's Suite!"

"Thank you Shayla!"

It was about 5 in the morning. I got great sleep though! Los Angeles is so pretty! I wonder where the studio is?

"I'm surprised people haven't looked for us yet." Hannah said while curling her black hair with her finger.

"They'll never expect us to be here! Plus to many people are here to be noticed." I explained.

"Except celebrities!" Hannah pointed out.

"True!" I smirked.

We stopped at a Starbucks, ordered a few mocha lattes and sat down at a back table. Hannah was munching on a cookie and I was on my phone. After our breakfast, we explored the city.

"Han, look!"

I had silly sunglasses on. We were at this outside glasses side business thing. Hannah laughed and tried on glasses with fuzzy antennas. I took a picture of her doing the duck face in them. I tried another pair on that were bedazzled.

Our next stop was thing corn dog cart that sold 1ft corn dogs! Hannah loves corn dogs! We ordered 2 with a webbed ketchup design.

"PENGUINS!!!!" Hannah yelled with food in her mouth.

"OH MY GOSH IT'S A PUPPY!!!" I yelled while accidentally dropping my corn dog. Awe.

Both of us ran over to the beanie babies cart. There were penguins, elephants, puppies, lions and many other stuffed animals. Hannah took a picture of me with a big eyed shiba inu puppy. It was sooo cute!

We bought a pink eyed penguin and a blue eyed shiba inu puppy. They were so plushy!

By the time it was 10am, we had visited everything on the block. We had a great time! Today was so fun.


"I'm bored!"

"Psh. You're such an almost 17 year old!"

"You're such an almost 18 year old!"

We rambled over stupid stuff for about an while until...

"Hii!!!" Yelled a familiar voice from afar.

We looked up from our phones at the last second. I bumped into MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!!!! Hannah accidentally bumped into ASHTON IRWIN!!!!!... Again. Why can't we go one day without bumping into them? UHG!

"OH MY GOSH MICHAEL IM SORRY!!" I tried to hide my Fangirl.

"Ashton!" Hannah said shocked.

"Hi loves!" Ashton said while pulling us into a hug.

Oh. My. Gosh! Did he just hug us? AAAH!

"It's alright!" Michael said while pulling one of his adorable smiles.

"Hi guys! Funny seeing you here!" I nervously smiled.

Really? This is like their American home! Of course they'll be here! Stupid stupid stupid!

Thankfully they just laughed. Ashton's freakin sparkly eyes! Michael's stupid sparkly smile! Me and Hannah were dozed off in dream land it seemed like.

"So... you guys from here?" Michael awkwardly asked. He's awkward.

"Oh uh no were from-"

"Hollywood!" Ashton eagerly finished my sentence.

I looked at him and chuckled.

"Yeah yeah!" I said with a giggle. I could tell my cheeks were getting red.

"Hannah?" I asked while waving my hand in front of her face.

"Woah! Uh what? Yeah?" She blinked repeatedly.

All of us just bursted out laughing. Han looked so confused. Our fun soon ended when...

"Um Shay" Hannah whispered while smally pointing to the police officer over to my right.

My eyes widened and I bit my lip in nervousness. UHG! Why now? Why not when they have to leave?

"Um we have to go..." I rushed to say while crushing both of them into a hug. I. Hugged. Michael. And. Ashton! Ahh!

"Bye loves!"


They yelled while I grabbed Han's arm and walked into a store. Awe! They're so sweet!

"Crap crap crap" I muttered while pacing back and forth in the little market.

"What's wrong? He's gone now!" Hannah said trying to comfort me.

"I do NOT want to go back to that hell hole of a foster home!" I replied while rubbing the back of my head.

"Do you think I want to too? A simple cop won't notice you! You're hours away from Hollywood!" Hannah said.

"You... You don't understand..." I said timidly with a tear in my eye.

"What's wrong?..."

"I have to hide from every police officer I see because..."

The tear rolled down my cheek. Hannah looked confused yet concerned.

"People are trying to get me. That's why I need the hoodie! Police and social service. I've ran for more then half my life." I started to tear even more. I'm not as tough as you think.

Hannah began to tear up as well. "Why?" Was I guess all she got out.

"My mother dropped me on the streets when I was 7 years old. I was born in Nevada. I've traveled to Oregon, California and even Washington. I didn't want to be in foster care. If my mother didn't want me then who would? I've lived on the streets since I was left."

Han was about to full out cry. I looked at the ground.

"Come on, lets go." I said while wiping my eyes.

Hannah nodded as we made our way out of the store. It was a magic store or something like that.

"Why did you choose me?" Hannah, out of the blue, asked.

"What do ya mean?"

"Well you could of gone by yourself but you chose me."

"You relate to me."

She smiled. I smirked.

"Woah!" Hannah yelled while suddenly stopping.

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