Ch. 11: Escape Route

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Shayla's P.O.V.

"Ow!" I squealed.

"Shhhhhh!" Hannah said in my ear.

We were mushed in a puny bathroom with no room! I tried quietly stepping on the toilet sense Hannah has trouble being quiet on them. She held onto my legs so I wouldn't fall.

"uhhhhh how do you open this?" I nervously asked.

"Here! I know how." She whispered.

I got down while she walked up and did her magic. Han turned a few thingys while pressing some other thingys. Next thing I know, it unlocks!

She pushes it open and trys to pull herself up. I heard foot steps getting closer and closer to the bathroom. I shoved Hannah's feet up while she pulled on the top of the bus.

There was a bang on the top of the vehicle! I felt my face getting red as I yelled out,


I was being loud as possible just so I can get out easier. Hannah shut the door and locked it back when i got through.

"What now?" She asked while panting.

"Ummmm..... gas station!" I yelled and slid off the bus.

Hannah stayed up there for a minute then came to the edge with these "promising" words (hint the sarcasm)

"There's one on the other side."

I looked under the bus and saw feet. They were still. As soon as Hannah slid down, they started moving across the gravel. I stood up and grabbed her arm.

We bolted for the gas station. The officer saw us and went inside to alert the other man. Hannah hid in the bushes while I hid behind a dumpster. Everything was quiet...

Ashton's P.O.V.

I was heavily breathing when the police officer came inside. He looked at me concerningly. I turned away quickly while whispering to Michael,

"I don't hear anything."

He shrugged. The man was checking in our bunks for anything suspicious.

Luke stood looking at the ground. Calum looked confused but kept quiet. Michael was pacing slowly back and forth. And I.... was freaking the hell out on the inside!

The officer was about to go to the back den by the bathroom. I heard clanking in the bathroom. Then, a big bang on the top of the bus alerted everybody! Luke squealed and looked up at the roof. He glanced at me. My eyes grew big while I raised my brows.

I looked over at the officer then heard a voice yell,

"Screw it!"

The officer looked at us like we were the spawn of Satan. I bit my lip while he tried getting the door unlocked.

"OPEN UP!" He yelled angerly.

Not long after that, another cop came inside! where'd he come from?

"They're running!" He alerted the other guy.

"You stay here!" One of them poked my chest.

After they left, all of us let out a huge yell!

We started blabbering about if they were gonna get caught or what would happen to us or whatever!

"Someone needs to go find them!" Calum shouted out.

"What if we get caught?" Michael blurted.

"Guys calm down they'll get back to us! They've ran away from cops before!" Luke yelled.

We all looked at him in an "oh really" kinda way. He quickly shut off from the world and looked down.

"What do you mean they've done it before? what does that mean Luke?" I asked gritting my teeth.

He gulpled and slid past me into the den. Mikey and Calum stood awkwardly by the door. I sighed and looked out the window.

I saw movement in the bushes.

"Guys come here!" I whispered.

"Is that?"


Michael ran to the door and greated Hannah with a hug. When she came in, she had tear stains on her face and clothes.

"What's wrong love you made it!" I asked joyfully.

"Its not about me..." She shyly replied.

Luke walked out and smiled. Hannah smiled back at the sight of the tall aussie boy. They ran up and hugged each other. Han was sobbing into his shirt "she's gone she's gone!" repeatedly.

"Um Hannah...." I said while breaking their hug. "Where's Shayla?"

Shayla's P.O.V.

I sat crying behind the dumpster. Hannah peeked out from behind the trees and smiled. I looked and only sobbed more.

"Come here quick!" She whisper yelled.

I shook my head. I give up! I can't do this anymore!

"Go without me." I whimpered.

"What no!" She exclaimed while climbing down from a tree. "I am not leaving you. You didn't leave me so c'mon! We'll just sneak through this way its really easy!"

"No.... Its to late! The police will find me any minute. I don't want the boys to get in trouble! Please just go! I deserve to get caught you don't." I cried while looking into her bloodshot eyes.

Hannah came up to me, put her hands on my shoulders, looked straight into my eyes and said,

"Either we go together... or we don't go at all."

I stared at her in amazement. No one has ever cared THAT much about me... I couldn't let her get in trouble though. So I came up with a plan.

"Ok.... let's go hurry!" I said while getting up and wiping my eyes.

I saw the officers come from behind. Han grabbed my wrist and sprinted all different directions. I tried to keep up with her... yeah... tried...

Its about time I end this. I purposly got lost and away from Hannah. The men were nowhere to be seen. No lights or nothing!

I saw the tour bus. I saw the boys inside talking or uhh.... yelling. They were panicking over us? Why over silly me... I'm just me.

"NO SHAYLA LOOK OUT!" I heard Han scream out of nowhere.

I looked away and saw 2 hands come at me in the dark. They found me! The officer grabbed me while I elbowed and kicked and flailed! I yelled but Hannah was gone.

I want her to be safe. I wanted her gone.

The man who looked awfully familiar, handcuffed me.

"Oww that hurts!" I snapped.

"Settle down princess!" Griped... Thomas?

"Tom?" I surprisingly asked while looking back.

"Yeah. Funny meeting you again!

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the bus. All I could see was Hannah hugging everyone...

A tear ran down my face, I tried to blink it away. Then, my friends were out of my sight. All i could hear or see was a police car horn and the pitch black night...

"Goodbye" I sighed while a tear hit the ground beside the car door I was getting shoved in to.

I'll miss you Hannah... Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke... It was nice knowing you...

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