Ch. 20: Sleeping Arrangements

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Shayla's P.O.V.

When we all got back to the hotel, we had to figure out sleeping arrangements... Oh dear. I hope I don't get it with Marcuz!

"Ok. Since we have more people now... we need to figure out the sleeping arrangements soooo Mike and Calum in one room. Me and Hannah in one then Ashton and uh Marcuz then Shay I guess you can bunk with me and Han." Luke announced.

Everyone nodded except Ash who was glaring at Marc. Marcuz evilly smirked then winked. Ashton rolled his eyes and went to his room.

"So. Your little friend is nice huh? This'll be fun!-" I interrupted Marcuz by saying,

"You do not mess with him! You don't make him pissed, upset or sad! Okay? Okay."

"Well alright princess quite protective over just a friend huh?"

"He's not... he... Just don't do it okay? Please Marcuz I don't need drama between me and him AGAIN!"

"Oh drama? Clue me in yeah?"

"Not in your life time!" I pushed past him and walked with Luke and Hannah.

"You ok back there?" Luke asked looking down at me.

"Yeah it's whatever." I walked quicker in front of them.

I slammed the door and plopped on my bed. Letting out a big UHG Luke and Han were walking in.

"Shay?" Han questioned.

"Just let me die in a hole." I replied.

Luke sighed and went in the bathroom.

"What is wrong chick?" Han sat down beside me. "you just got back! You should be happy! Happy to see everyone... Especially Ashton."

"It's the sleeping thing. Ya see... I didn't clear my na-"

"YOU WHAT???????"

"SHH SHH BE QUIET!" I freaked.

"Why. Did. You. Not. Clear. Your. Name?"

"Cuz we're gonna be here for a while plus I have a fake ID so..."

"Uhmm ok wh-wh-what about the sleeping thing then?"

"Sense I got a fake ID... Marcuz helped me with the entire process and well he came with me as you can see... and uh... he thinks we're a couple or whatever I think uh... well..."

"Shayla spit it out!"

"We kissed. On the plane annnnd I liked it. Well loved it actually and I hate that I did but..."

Hannah's facial expression muted me. Her mouth was wide open with her eyes huge!

"What about... Ashton?"

"What about me?" Ashton showed up in the doorway all of a sudden. Why wasn't the door shut?

"Oh shit Ash you scared the living Sh-"

"WHEREVER YOU ARRRRRE!!!" Luke yelled from the shower.

Hannah ran up to the door and pounded on it. Lucas squealed as we cackled over that "manly" yell.

"So Shayla? Youuuu were talking about me?" Ashton smirked and leaned up against the door.

"Uhhhh I'm gonna go for a walk uhm... yeah bye!" I hurried.

I sped out of the room down the elevator and out the door. I heard footsteps behind me...

"Ashton it was noth-" I turned around and it was Marc.

I raised my eyebrows and scratched the back of my neck.

"Hey babe wanna do something?" He nudged me.

"I am not you babe!"

"But. You very passionately traded saliva with me on that air plane sooooo?"

"You are all kinds of wrong!"

"So I am!"

He pulled me closer to him trying to get me to kiss him. I tried to pull away but his grip was stronger then my resistance.

"Ashton!!!! Hannah!!!! Help!!!" I yelled out.

Thankfully we weren't that far from the hotel. I kept yelling until Marcuz covered my mouth and drug me to this alley. I flailed and kicked and did everything I could but he still held me hostage! He went inside the back way of the hotel and slung me into some cleaning supplies!

"Marcuz what are you doing???" I panicked.

He just laughed and took off his belt. Oh. My. God. This can't be happening!

I screamed and grabbed a broom! I whacked him in the head with it and knocked him onto the floor.

While I had the chance, I unlocked my phone and texted Hannah,

"Please come get me I'm in the back of the hotel and Marcuz is trying to-"

Marc got up and I accidentally sent just that! I kicked him back but he grabbed my leg and brought me closer to him. I slapped his face and pulled his hair. Screaming and hitting and pushing!

He grabbed onto my shirt and moved his hand up it. Oh. Bruh you don't do that! I bit his arm making it shoot out of my shirt. It drew blood!

I ran to a closet and shut it! He banged on the door yelling,

"C'mon babe I thought ya loved me?"

"Get away from me!!" I yelled back hitting the door where his face was.

Hannah texted back saying,

"Ashton is on his way there. He's pissed."

By the time I looked up from my phone... It was quiet. I came out of the closet and heard slaps from outside. My eyes widened and I saw Ashton beating up Marcuz against the alley walls!

"Stay away from her bastard!" Ashton yelled with his neck veins straining.

Hannah ran up behind me along with Michael. They both hugged me and asked if I was okay. I looked at defenseless Marcuz and nodded.

All of a sudden... He started fighting back with a punch in the face for Ashton! My rage was overflowing! Michael had to hold me back from killing him!

Marcuz pushed Ashton on the ground and started punching his gut! Tears were streaming down my face as I watched my hero get torn up by satan.

Ashton grabbed Marc's neck and flipped him over! Marcuz grabbed his hands trying to breathe. Ash pushed his elbow into Marcuzes neck harder and harder while gritting his teeth, saying,

"Stay. Away. Or. I. Will. Kill. You. With. My. Own. Two. F***ing. Hands!"

Ashton let go of him and he ran off. Marcuz was nowhere to be seen thanks to Ash!

Ashton looked at me with a bloody nose, a busted lip and a black eye. He was shaking and walked towards me.

Hannah and Michael backed up and gave us privacy. I was tearing and so was Ashton. He hugged me and gripped me tight!

"Are you alright hun?"

"Now I am." I said into his ear.

I looked into his eyes and played with his hair. He grinned and pulled me closer while moving his hands down to my hips. I smiled and then noticed that look in his eye. He was gonna kiss me. This is happening...

His head slowly turned while my eyes drifted shut. Ashton reached for my lips and I met him half way! We were lip locked! I instantly fell in love again!

I could hear Hannah and Michael giggling in the background but I just tuned them out.

Ashton giggled that adorable giggle and kissed me again! I smirked and leaned my forehead on his lips. He leaned his up against mine as well. We both grinned ear to ear.

"I love you." Ashton whispered.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." He kissed me again.

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