Ch. 6: chillin' at the stude!

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Shayla's P.O.V.

There was a big fancy house like building in front of us. Our curiosity got the best of us so we shrugged at eachother and went inside.

When we entered inside, It was quiet. Hannah was scanning the room while I was looking for people.

Next thing I know, my friend is gone. What the crap? No one's here!

"Hannah? Hello?" I whisper yelled while getting kinda scared.

"O-ove-over h-here..." I heard her mumble.

I ran over to where I heard her voice. I was shaking as I got closer.

My mouth dropped as soon as I saw Hannah. She was in front of a door. Not just any ordinary door. THE door.

She was tearing as I hesitantly walked towards her. The door had a plaque that said "5 Seconds Of Summer Recording Studio." Oh. My. Gosh!

"We found where they're staying. We found their studio!" I gulped as my eyes widened even more.

Hannah nodded nervously at my sweaty face. I didn't hear anything in there though. Where are they? The boys might still be out.

Suddenly, we heard a door open. Both of us ran and hid behind a corner. I tripped and crawled behind the corner. That was a fail.

I held my chest and let out a big sigh. UHG. That hurt! Han looked around the corner and motioned me to head towards the door to my left. I crawled and opened the door.

It squeaked. Stupid rusty door! Hannah looked back at me and gave me a look. "Sorry!" I mouthed. She swiftly ran over to the door beside me.

I never saw who were in the hotel but I knew if we got caught, it's back to the foster home!

"Who was that?" I whispered to Hannah.

"I don't know. It was a big man with other people behind him. I couldn't find out who was behind him though." She replied nervously.

My eyes grew big as I backed up. I bumped into a bag. It had clothes in it. Oh crud. Is this someone's room? My mouth dropped as I looked around the room.

Hannah was peeking out the door. I tapped her shoulder.

"Uh..." I managed to say.

Her eyes grew big and she began to shake.

"This. Is. One. Of. The. Boy's. R-rooms." She stuttered.

I stood up and quietly looked around. Who's could it be? There was a hallway by a bed. I motioned Hannah to come with me.

She accidentally SLAMMED the door! Crap! She quickly looked at me and started running towards the hallway.

"Hey!" we heard a very Australian voice yell from another room.

Both of us began to sprint faster. We were wondering in the dark hallway. Man this hall is long! I ran into a wall while looking back.

"Um... This way! Here's another room." I said while rubbing my head.

We ran into another bedroom. There was a bathroom beside it. Hannah ran into the bathroom while I hid in the closet.

The suspense made me sweat. This is REALLY bad! The closet door was cracked open slightly so I can see outside.

Oh. No. They're in the hallway. This is not happening! Oh sh*t!

Hannah's P.O.V.

"Um... This way! Here's another room." Shayla said after bumping her head on the wall.

Silly girl! There's a dead end there. We ran into another bedroom. It looked... Familiar for some odd reason. There was a bathroom beside the room that I hid inside while Shay hid inside a closet.

As I shut the bathroom door, there was writing on the walls and stuff. How is this familiar? I know it is.

Suddenly, I heard someone in the hallway. Oh fudge! I locked the bathroom door with no hesitation, turned the lights off and stood on the toilet. They won't notice my feet if I stand on the John! Ha!

I didn't hear Shayla doing anything so she's safe. I guess.

I heard footsteps get closer to the room we were in.

"Hellow?" Asked... Calum I believe. Oh my gosh! Calum! AAAH!

Me and Shayla stayed quiet.

"No one's here Luke." Said Ashton.

"I know I heard something. The door slammed, Mikey heard it too!" Griped Luke.

I almost let my FanGirl out. I kept in a scream and held back the tears.

"Fudge!" I accidentally mumbled.

My foot fell into the toilet bowl. Eeeeew!!! I tried not to make any noise while taking it out. That plan was a failure!

While I tried taking out my foot, it got stuck on the seat! Really? Wow I need this. UHG!

I almost tripped off the toilet. It was quite loud too. I knew they were about to bust through the door any minute. I'm so sorry Shayla! Uuuhg!

Shayla's P.O.V.

Soon enough, the boys entered the room. Oh crap oh crap oh sh*t! I put my hand over my mouth to try to quiet my breathing.

"Hellow?" Calum yelled while looking around.

My eyes grew big when Luke and Ashton ran in.

"No one's here Luke." Ashton explained while looking at Hemmings. AAAH! They're so cute!

"I know I heard something. The door slammed, Mikey heard it too!" Griped Luke while crossing his arms.

Michael walked in and sat on the bed along with Calum. They were quiet for a bit until.

"Fudge!" I heard from the bathroom.

Hannah? Oh crap. What happened? She fall in? Oh boy.

I kept hearing water and banging from the bathroom. I held in my laugh.

The boy's faces were priceless! Luke's eyes grew big as well as Calum's. Michael jumped and curled up in a ball. Ashton ran towards Calum and bro hugged him. They're so weird.

Finally the bathroom was quiet. I heard Hannah breathing heavily from all the way across the room though.

5SOS stayed where they were. I guess they were legit scared!

"W-wh-who's there?" Michael asked while uncurling. Awe. So cute.

Luke tiptoed towards the bathroom. I think he heard the breathing too. That would freak me out too!

"You alright in there?" Luke hesitantly asked. Oh my gosh stop trying to make me laugh!

The boys couldn't help it so they bursted out laughing! since it was so loud in the room, I just let it out! Even when he's scared, he's polite.

After we all stopped laughing, there was a crash in the bathroom. It was quiet. What the hell Hannah? You alright in there?

I inhumanly gulped loudly after the silence. All the boy's head turned towards the closet. Oh crap. I'm in trouble now!

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