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People were gathered in the town square. Even children milled around near their parents. Everyone was cheering and screaming. It would definitely be festive, if this wasn't your death day.

You gulped softly and scanned the entire audience from the small window in the back of your prison cell. The small bars blocked a lot of the view, but in the middle of the crowd, you spotted a guillotine.

"Come on, witch." A guard snarled at you, rattling his keys threateningly. You turned towards him, putting on a brave face. Whatever happened, you wouldn't die a coward.

"I am not a witch. Just because you don't have the mental capacity to under things doesn't mean that I'm magical if I can. You're just dumb." You huffed at the guard, but showed no resistance when he tied rope around your arms. If you acted out against British guards or soldiers, they wouldn't hesitate to shoot you there and then. Atleast you had some time to think of a strategy on your way to your grave.

The guard roughly shoved you out of the dungeon. You squinted your (e/c) eyes as sunlight hit them all too fast. Now you saw clearly.

The British soldiers stood at the top of the execution panel, waiting. A trickle of sweat rolled down your face and dropped on your plain blue dress.

This dress has too much lace on it!

"Kill the witch!" A child screamed. The poor, innocent child didn't know what burden those words held.

The guard finally led you to the top of the panel, and the crowd's cheering grew louder. As they tied your hands together around a wooden pole, you grew frustrated with this ignorant town.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" You screamed, and surprisingly, everyone did.

"I am NOT a witch! And it hurts me that you think I am. I used to adore this town, and I can't believe everyone thinks I'm a traitor. I'm not a witch. That's the truth, and you all will try to brush it aside, but it's real. Mathematics, astronomy, and other studies are not witchcraft!" You said, and the entire town was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

"Execute her." A British soldier stated, no pity in his voice.

The guard lit a match and threw it on a wooden panel, and before you knew it, the heat intensified. Flames licked at your ankles before growing larger and taller. As you closed your watery eyes, you thought about your life until now. Had you done anything you were proud of? You were an orphan and you made what little money you did have doing odd jobs. You never got to sail the seas like you wanted.

"PIRATE!" A shrill scream came from the back of the crowd as people started dropping to their feet. You already felt faint but opened your eyes a little. They burned, but you could still see a group of people making their way through the crowd. You heard gunshots. Slashing of swords.

Before you were drenched in water. You gasped in surprise, clothes soaking wet.

"What the..." You looked up at your savior.

A tall, white man with spiky blonde hair stood in front of you, looking as intimidating as ever. The corners of his mouth were pulled up slightly in a smirk and his blue eyes studied you. You felt a little self conscious as there you were, standing in front of this magnificent stranger, soaking wet.

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked, his voice rich and confident.

You, speechless, nodded slightly. He wore an eyepatch and a captains hat along with a cloak to cover his sailor's clothes.

"Good. You're coming with us, witch." He slashed at the ropes holding you and untied you. Quickly realizing what was happening, you pulled away from him.

"Like hell I am! You're a filthy pirate!" You growled, glaring at him with menacing (e/c) eyes.

"Ooh, fiesty are we?" He said in that cocky little tone of his.

"They're escaping!" You heard the marching of backup British soldiers before widening your eyes.

Either leave with the pirate or be burned at the stake.

You grabbed the blonde pirate's hand and lifted your dress frantically. He smirked as if saying 'I told you so,' before the two of you ran into the crowd together.


"W..Why did you s-save me?" You huffed. The heat of the sun was getting to you, and you had to run in this giant, lacy dress.

"Let's talk later, witch. For now, we're gonna have to get to my ship!" He said. He ran with his fingers laced with yours, and his strides were big and confident. He was an interesting man-normally pirates would care less about their education (many didn't have access to learning anyways). They would also have poor hygiene, but this man didn't seem to be like that. While his hair was wild, it was clean and so were his clothes. His vocabulary and grammar were perfect so far, and he actually smelled really, really good.

As the two of you got closer to the shore, you could smell the seawater. It filled up your lungs, and a small moment of happiness clouded your mind. This was your home, the ocean. You were naturally drawn to it. That's why you decided to study the myths and tales of the story after all.

You couldn't hear the British soldier's yelling anymore. Soft sand that was kicked up by your heels brushed at your ankles, and quickly, you could see a large, wooden sillhouette come into view.

You paused a moment to catch your breath. You were speechless. It was absolutely beautiful.

The giant ship was no doubt handcrafted. The polished wood was smooth, and carvings were etched into the railings. People scurried on the deck, paying no attention to you. They all had their own jobs to do. Every piece of the breathtaking watercraft fit in perfectly and connected to the other pieces, creating a fine, working pirate ship.

Your favorite part of the entire ship was the front. A statue of a fierce but graceful looking mermaid glared into blue tides, ready to take on the ocean.

"Impressed?" The blonde asked, and he turned around and led you to the wooden steps.

You hesitated for a moment before getting on the steps. Looking up, you saw a ripped and worn flag waving. It was solid black, but the skull in the middle was red and blue.

Finally, the crew noticed the two of you coming on board.

"THE CAPTAIN IS HERE! HOIST THE SAILS!" One yelled, and they got to work again.

Captain? This cocky guy is a captain? At such a young age? He must be one of the youngest ones on the boat! Judging from his looks, he's only about my age! You thought.

He turned to you, and you quickly looked away, as you realized you had been staring. He raised an eyebrow at you playfully, and you crossed your arms and glared at him.

"My name is Matthias, by the way."


raging storm

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