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"Go in?! Are you crazy?!" Tino shrieked. He wasn't the only one who had disturbing doubts, everyone looked a bit pale. Matthias stared down into the hole, his eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure?" He asked. You looked him firmly in the eye and nodded.

"Good. Then I'll go down there alone and go retrieve the Axe. Everyone else will stay by the ship. Lukas, you'll make sure Kirkland doesn't try to do anything funny." Matthias ordered.

"No, wait! You can't go down there alone!" You yelped, grabbing his arm. Startled, Matthias looked down at you with furrowed eyebrows. He gently took your arm off him.


"Well for one, you don't know what's down there!" You said, eyes wide in shock. How could this man just risk his life and jump into the depths of the ocean for a damn axe?

"I have to."

"Well, you don't know where the Axe is located. So you're going to have to let me come along." You huffed, and before anyone could have the chance to grab you, you walked to the edge, foot lifted.

"(Y/N)!" Matthias yelled, but as he ran up to you, you turned around and fell off the edge, forcing Matthias to jump as well in a panic. The sensation of falling made your stomach go up, and although it was slightly panicking, in a way, it was calm.

Soft ocean mist sprayed on your face, smelling like salt. Beautiful waves of blue were swirling on the sides of the hole.

What if this hole just leads to empty space till we hit the bottom and die?

You, falling back first, reached out to the top of the hole as you watched the clouds and sky disappear. You couldn't hear or see Matthias anywhere, but you felt his presence nearby and closed your eyes. The thought of him reaching his arm out and falling with you was slightly calming.


You opened your striking (e/c) eyes and widened them. The warm sensation of water swallowing you scared you out of your daze. You were underwater... But you didn't feel anything different-you were still dry. It was like magic!

Gasping, you widened your eyes and quickly covered your mouth, afraid of losing breath. The surface was a long way up, and you couldn't afford to have your lungs burst. Finally, you let go and laughed a little.

Of course. I can obviously breathe here. If I still feel dry, anything can happen.

The water was surprisingly warm, and it swirled around you.

You were alive.

You scanned your surroundings and saw a mop of blonde hair. You swam to it and laughed happily. Matthias grinned and the two of you held onto each other, tight.

"Never do anything crazy like that again, okay?" Matthias breathed softly, holding you protectively. After a few moments, the two of you scanned your surroundings. It was straight out of a picture book.

Glimmering fish swam around you, and you reached your hand out, giggling when one brushed against you. Their scales were shimmery and beautiful. Colourful bunches of coral hung out on ledges, puffing bubbles out through their openings. Your eyes sparkled in wonder.

"Wait... How are you able to breathe here?" Matthias asked, and that's when you noticed that his hair was flowing in the waves.

You shrugged.

"I feel completely dry, too. I don't know why. But if you're asking that, how are you able to breathe?"

Matthias reached into his shirt and took out a necklace with an anchor on it.

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