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"Matthias!" You gasped as you broke the surface of the water. You had been swimming for days with the fishes and the other creatures of the ocean to guide you. Finally, you found his ship, but it was stormy, and the waves kept crashing on top of you.

Your tail was still attached firmly to your body, so you couldn't climb up. Helplessly, you just decided to scream for him until your voice died out.

"(Name)?" Came a voice. You looked up with wide, (e/c) eyes to see the Danish man standing at the edge of the boat.

"Matthias, don't-"

Before you could say anything else, he jumped into the ocean. You gasped and grabbed him, glaring at him.

"Don't do that again!" You said, trying to swim him to safety. Once you were in an area that was a little calm, you laughed and cupped his face gently touching his nose against yours. You had missed him-his pale skin, his crazy blonde hair, and his equally crazy and reckless personality.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I promise I'll never let you go again. Did he touch you?" Matthias growled, examining your body for anything. When his eyes scanned your wrist, he glared and grabbed it, but was careful. You flinched. The place where Kirkland had drew the blood was still slightly caky with silver blood, and it was raw and cut up.

"I'm going to kill him!" Matthias yelled. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was disheveled.

You shook your head and hugged him close.

"Forget about him. You need some rest. Have you been eating? God Matthias, I love you." You murmured, face in his chest.

Matthias froze for a second before relaxing in your arms.

"I love you too."


"Umm..." You said awkwardly, looking up to the ship. Matthias looked down and widened his eyes at your tail.

"Cool! You have a fish tail now! I guess I have to carry you up!" Matthias said, and grabbed you bridal style with ease. You squeaked and held onto him, blushing. After you reached the ship, your tail faded away and you were able to walk again. Well, more like stumble.

That night, you couldn't sleep for fear of nightmares, so you opened the door to Matthias's room. You saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, head in hands.

"Matthias, what's wrong?" You asked, rushing to his side. "Is it about the Axe?"

"No, it's not. I'm a terrible person. I don't care if I get the Axe, but it doesn't change the fact that I couldn't save you. What kind of pirate am I? I couldn't even find you! I was supposed to save you, but instead you had to go through torture. That's what's been keeping me up at night. God, I'm so sorry (Name)."

You stayed silent.

"It's fine, Matthias. The girl can save herself sometimes, right?" You smiled and gently ran your hand through his blonde hair. "Besides, I don't think we were ever planning to become so close, were we? You knew I was a mermaid and you needed a mermaid heart for the Axe to work anyways. I'm grateful that you had a change of heart." You said, leaning close to him. He put his arm around you and pulled you into his side.

"(Name)... If Kirkland ever touches you again, I'll murder him myself. But for now, I'll stay by your side and support you till the end."

Wow okay I need to end this story soon because it's getting dragged out and idk I don't really like it. Srry for such a short chapter :/

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