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When you first woke up in unfamiliar territory, you were a little bit frightened.

You were on a bed in a small room. In the corner of the room, there was a large, wooden desk that held globes and maps. There was a giant map of the seas opposite the bed. At first you thought you were at home since you had maps and globes in your room, but then you remembered everything that happened yesterday.

"This isn't my bed..." You mumbled, but snuggled into it. The blankets were very soft and smelled really good... Like... Cologne?

"AHHHH!" You jumped up and blushed, frantically making sure you were still dressed.

Well you were, just...

Not in your clothes.

You wore a simple white t-shirt that was WAYY too big for you, and in your panicked state and blushing fit, someone walked into the room.

"DON'T COME IN!" You shrieked, trying to cover yourself up, but it was no point. Matthias walked into the room and immediately reddened.

"Good morning?" He said, or rather asked, and was immediately hit in the face with a pillow going a million miles an hour.

"Are these your clothes? Who changed me? TELL ME NOW!" You growled, grabbing his collar.

"I don't think you'll like the answer," He said, gently prying you off him.

"Atleast maybe give me some pants. You can see everything through this shirt!" You whined, crossing your arms.

"I would, but they won't fit you. I think we need to get you some more comfortable clothes." Matthias said, eyeing your dress in the corner.

Immediately, your mood changed.

"YES PLEASE! THANK THE GODS! You don't know how much I hate that dress. It's too lacy and itchy and when I try to run in it.." You kept talking on and on while Matthias just smiled.

"Anyway, about the stars." You said, expression reverting back to seriousness. "I have all their coordinates and did all the calculations. I know where we have to sail."

"Then I think you should take the wheel," Matthias said, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Really?" You asked, eyes shimmering. "You're gonna let me steer your ship?" Matthias nodded, and you squealed. This was a dream come true. You had always wanted to adventure the seas.

After getting more comfortable clothes made for you from another woman on the ship, you were led to where the wheel was.

"Don't make us bump into an iceberg or something," Matthias said warningly. You nodded obediently and grabbed the wheel. An immediate burst of energy shot through you. Matthias laughed a little at your excitement and took off his captain's hat, putting it on your head.

"There. Now you're a little captain."

The hat was a little bit too big on you, but Matthias thought it looked cute.


"Finally!" You said, and let go of the wheel. Your hands were red and calloused-who knew steering could be such hard work? The night was falling. To confirm if you were right, you looked up and there it was.

"Avalon's tail!" Matthias cried happily, pointing to the sky. There was, indeed, a line of silvery stars dotting the skyline. They formed a tail, and they connected to the lean body of the Mermaid Warrior.

As Matthias stared up into the sky, he tried his best not to tear up. The sight, this feeling in his heart, his cause, it was all overwhelming. He was doing this all for a good reason... Right?

"We'll get to the island soon..." You yawned, and your heavy eyelids dropped. Matthias looked over to you and grabbed your hands gently, examining them. He frowned a little and ran his thumb over a callous.

"Come with me. You can sleep in the same room as before. I'll sleep in another room. Also, I know how to treat these." He grinned wickedly. "After all, a captain's hands are always scarred."


"Ugh... Matthias?" You yawned and sat up slowly. The window next to the bed showed that it was still dark. Your hands were treated and bandaged. It was surprising how such a powerful captain could be gentle and caring with medical-related problems.

You pulled on a small coat and walked outside. Nobody was awake. Still barefoot, you walked to the stern of the ship before you saw a dark figure in front of the mermaid statue.

"Matthias?" You asked. The figure turned around and you widened your eyes.

He was crying, silvery tears falling from his beautiful blue eyes.

"Uhh.. (Y/N)! What are you doing here?" He said panicked. A little embarrassed, he quickly tried to wipe his tears away. You frowned and grabbed his arms gently, bringing them down to his sides. The tears flowed even faster now.

"What's wrong?" You asked, and he widened his eyes in surprise. How could a girl that he kidnapped be so caring for him, a cruel and bloodthirsty pirate? He had to admit, he had done some things in his life, and his death count wasn't exactly low.

Matthias leaned over the side of the boat, and you did the same.

"The whole reason that I'm looking for the Axe is because of my father. He died in a way that just makes me so angry... I was young when he died. Wow, I'm a coward, right? I shouldn't be crying for my father."

You frowned a little, rubbing his back gently.

"I don't think you're a coward. You were really young, and something like that is tough to go through." You said, not sure what to say. You didn't know anything about being a pirate, but you had to do something to comfort him.

"Thanks..." Matthias said and weakly smiled at you, warming your heart. "What's that?" He asked, attention now on your wrist.

You smiled and showed your wrist to him so he could get a better view. It was a tattoo of a group of stars.

"Is that..." Matthias murmured.

"Yeah, it's the very constellation that we're chasing." You said, looking up. "I was a bit surprised when I realized that too, last night. I've had this ever since I was born. I feel like my mother... She studied all this stuff too, you know? Why else would I have this mark on me?"

Matthias looked down into the sea, and you did the same. The glimmering stars reflected on the beautiful, turquoise water. It was truly a breathtaking sight. Gently reaching your down, you immersed your wrist and hand in the water.

"Ah!" You gasped, quickly pulling away.

Matthias raised an eyebrow and looked at you questioningly. You widened your eyes and turned your wrist over slowly. The tattoo you had just shown him was burning bright red.

"What the hell?" Matthias asked. You shook your head, tears stinging at your eyes.

"I don't know what's happening!" You said. "I don't feel good..." You thought, looking around in a panicked state. Matthias watched you, very concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asked, voice stern and calming.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen... Someone's near... And it's not someone good..." You said, and your skin began to loose its color, gradually growing paler and sickly.

"It may just be a false gut feeling," Matthias said, although he knew that you were right. He could feel a cold presence nearby as well, and although you probably felt it worse, he knew there was someone nearby.

Matthias forced you to go back to bed even though you didn't want to, and he drew his sword.

"Lukas, please start waking everyone up-I think we've got company on this side of the sea."


raging storm

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