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Oh god... No...

A man with pale blonde hair lay crumpled on the floor, bloody and battered. His eyes, once upon a time, full of brightness and happiness, were now closed. His skin was deathly pale, indicating his time of death was a while ago.

"Who are you?" You said, voice trembling, but strong. In a flash, the "Lukas" who had attacked you was now a tall man with emerald green eyes and messy hair. His look was complete with an eyepatch. Kirkland.

"Magic, dear." Arthur merely smirked.

You froze and slowly turned around, widening your eyes. That meant...

"LUKAS!" You screamed, running to the Norwegian's side. You desperately tried to feel his pulse, to see if any part of him was still alive, breathing, but it was too late. He must have been killed sometime at midnight.

"You little brat. You weren't supposed to scream that loud. You'll wake the whole ship up," Arthur said, but you could see that he didn't look the least bit troubled.

"What the hell do you want?!" You said, tears now flowing freely from your eyes.

"I want you to come with me." He said.

"Like hell I will!" You growled, but he backed you up into a corner.

"(Y/N)?" You heard another voice ask. A deeper, rougher voice-a calming voice. Matthias.

"Matt- MMPH!" You gasped as a cloth was hastily shoved over your mouth and nose, and all that reached your senses after that was pure darkness.


Soft creaking of a ship woke you up. It was dark... Which meant at minimum, you had been out for at least 13 hours. Your detective skills kicked in and you started to sort out your thoughts.

Lukas is dead. Oh my god, he's dead. Ok, calm down. Okay, so Arthur was there, and the last thing I sensed... It was cloth. Chloroform.

You suddenly became hyperalert and scanned your surroundings. You appeared to be tied to a ship sail mast, and your heart immediately warmed, remembering the day you and Matthias met. But this was different. The rope was bound so tightly that it was cutting into your waist, and your wrist was still silver soaked and burning.

Trying your best to look down, you examined the silver liquid pouring out of your wrist. It was metallic and smelled like smoke. It was also probably about a million degrees.

"Ow!" You murmured as the liquid continuously poured out of that one spot on your wrist. The rest of your skin was burning because of it.

Wait a second...

You rolled your eyes. Either Arthur had the dumbest crew ever, or he himself was an idiot. Carefully, you rolled your wrist in a certain direction so that the flaming hot liquid dripped onto the rope. In a matter of seconds, the rope had burned to a crisp.

You struggled out of your bonds and carefully, quietly looked around. The sun was rising, but nobody was on board, which meant that everyone was sleeping, but unfortunately, they would soon wake up. You had to work fast. Get something for defense first, work on an escape later. You saw a piece of a wooden plank sticking up from the floor and grabbed it. Using the mast, you sharpened the piece of wood until it was shaped into something like a dagger. Well, not exactly, but it was pointy and would get the job done.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't just throw myself overboard," You said quietly to yourself. As you wondered to yourself, you didn't notice a figure walk behind you.

"Good morning, love." A smooth voice said, causing you to jump with fear.

"What the hell do you want? Why did you bring me here? What is this liquid coming out of my body? Why does it hurt! Explain!" You yelled fiercely, pressing your makeshift dagger to his throat. He widened his eyes in amusement and carelessly pushed your weapon away.

"That, my dear, is mermaid blood." He said. "And I need it."

He grabbed your wrist so suddenly, you had no time to question him. His eyes became darker, more evil, and he scanned your wrist.

"We've wasted so much of it already," He hissed. Then, before you had time to process anything, he leaned forward.

And slowly, very slowly, licked it. You yelped in fright and pulled back quickly, and he laughed. His tongue was a deep red, burnt. It must have hurt like hell and was a burn that had to be hospitalized, but this maniac was laughing. Laughing!

The next thing you knew, you were tied to a chair and screaming in agony. Arthur's crew had used everything they could-daggers, knives, and even spears- to try and cut under your skin. It hurt badly, but the liquid prevented them from getting far before the metal was burnt beyond use. This torture went on for hours until finally, the British pirate gave you a break. He ushered his crew out of the room with a scowl and began pacing in front of you.

"Why... Do you need it..?" You asked, breathless.

He paused and turned to you.

"Oh my... You don't know?" He giggled, and you were beginning to think this man had mental issues.

"Uh...Obviously not." You retorted with attitude, even though everything sense was on fire.

"I need a mermaid's blood for the axe to work. Without it, it's useless."

You paused for a second, but then it all started to click together.

"The silver stuff... Is the blood."

"Yes. And you, my dear, are a mermaid."

"No... I'm not." You said, and in a state of shock, looked down.

"Yeah, I still have legs." You raised an eyebrow and looked at the British pirate. He stared you down, very seriously, all hints of amusement gone. Seriously, was this guy bipolar?

"Matthias wanted you so he could not only find the axe, but also use your blood for it. What he didn't realize was that he would get so attached to you. Typical. Anyways, we had a deal that I would give him something if he gave me you and the Axe. And he didn't, and now here we are."

"But I thought... I thought Matthias wanted to get his mom back! You really expect me to believe he made a deal with a snake like you?" You spat.

Arthur's eye glinted with malice and he gripped your jaw between his fingers, crushing it and leaving a small, purple, bruise.

"It's not the Axe itself that revives. It was the thing I would trade him for that revives. See sweetie? Matthias lied to you all along. What kind of a boyfriend is that?"

"He's not my boyfriend," You said quickly, but your mind was on other things. You felt slightly seasick.

"Your parents were mermaids. I can't believe you don't know that. You're famous around here in the pirate world! Well, you a famous myth. Nobody knew Avalon had a daughter. Oh, weren't you an orphan? Sorry, you had to find out this way." He said, his voice monotone.

You bowed your head, shaking a little. This was a lot to process, but was it even true?

"Fine! Take my blood! I don't care!" You cried, whipping your head up, tears flying on the ground from your eyes. "Just return me back to Matthias and you can have all the blood you want!"

"Oh no... I'm afraid that isn't going to work. On the 7th day of the blood salvation, you need a full fledged mermaid heart. Oh, it must be tough knowing your death day."


"I would give you the time of your life before you die, if you know what I mean. The sirens love me." He said suggestively, but then he smirked and his eyes went dark once more. "But you're Avalon's daughter. A pure virgin. Innocent, and a warrior. Filthy mermaid." He said, and left the room.

You were left in darkness once more, all the new information swarming your mind and making you dizzy.

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