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"We're here." You said quietly. Matthias had been acting differently, no longer his playful self, he was focused. He was quiet, and you feared that anything you said would set him off.

For the first time in a couple of days, Matthias's face showed an expression of relief. The sun had just started to rise, beautiful colours of orange and pink splattered across the sky. The stars were still barely present, and when you looked straight up, you could see the star that marked the end of Avalon's tail. A strip of land loomed in the distance.

The crew finally anchored the ship, and you gazed at your surroundings. There was nothing out of the usual-the island was sandy, there was no grass in sight.

"So all we have to do is look around this island, right?" Lukas asked, and you nodded.

"It shouldn't be too big. In fact, this is one of the thinnest islands in the entire seas, I've heard. I can't really see the other side of it though, so I'm not completely sure..." You murmured.

Matthias looked at you for a second, debating on wether he should let you off the ship or not. Well, the first problem was that you might run away. He wasn't doubting your loyalty, but it was possible that Arthur could scare you away. Second, he didn't want you to get hurt.

"I'm going on that island," you said in a firm tone after you noticed the blonde staring at you.

"But what if-"

"I can fend for myself, and besides, I have you guys for backup. Now come on, we're wasting time." You said, picking up a knife and hiding it under your dress. Your (e/c) eyes shined as your hair slightly moved in the breeze. You stretched a (s/c) hand out to Matthias, and he stared at it for a second before grabbing it.

You stepped on the sand.

"So far, so good..." You muttered to yourself. "No sand sharks or quicksand..."

"Alright. Listen to my orders! Tino, Berwald, and Emil, please search the front of the island. (Y/N) and I will search the back. We'll be fine, the island is thin and there doesn't seem to be any signs of life. But just in case we run into trouble or find something, I'll shoot a barrel into the air. You do the same. Got it?" Matthias said. His men nodded, used to him taking the lead.

The two of you started walking to the back of the island.

"What are you going to do... About the whole... Situation?" You asked hesitantly. Matthias considerably became paler, and he shuddered a little bit.

"I need this Axe. I'm going to fight Kirkland for it," He said quietly. You narrowed your eyes.

"Fight for it? Are you crazy? Why do you need that Axe so badly?" You said, but tried to use a gentle tone. For whatever reason he needed this Axe, it wouldn't be a light and happy one, so you had to remember you were treading on possibly dangerous ground. Literally.

"My mother. She's dead because of that damn English pirate."

You stayed silent as to not pressure him to continue.

"My mother and father were both pirates. My father first met my mother at a bar. He was being a sexist drunk, and he insulted my mother saying she was horrible at fighting and a failure at being a pirate. He said that girls shouldn't be pirates because the title didn't run in female blood. She then challenged him to a fight. The next day when they met, he was still was cocky and knew he could beat her. But he ended up getting his ass kicked by her. That's when he realized that he fell in love with her. She resisted for a while, teasing him and making him beg, but after a while, she gave in. They combined their crews and made a magnificent ship, the one I have here. She was a real beauty... They killed many and became the richest, fiercest, pirates on the sea. They had no weakness..."

Matthias sighed.

"Until Arthur came along. He wanted to be the best pirate. It's typical for us to compete like that. But he wanted it badly. He soon realized that my mother was my father's weakness. My mother had me, and soon after, she was kidnapped by Kirkland as a hostage. She was weak, and couldn't fight back. Kirkland sliced my mother's throat with no mercy and threatened to kill me also if my father didn't submit to him. My father did, because it was his only chance of keeping me alive. My father later died of a broken heart and old age, and I became the captain of this ship." Matthias said, his face completely emotionless.

You stared at him for a second. That was a lot to take in. How could Arthur be so heartless? He could have spared Matthias's mother, too.

"I hate how he did that, just slashed her throat like she was a mere pawn in his game. If I could decide it, I would have had myself killed in place of her. H-He didn't think twice, just killed her. Just like that. And I intend to revive her." He said, fists clenching. "She didn't deserve that sort of life."

You stayed quiet, because really, what was there to say? You knew the feeling of not having anybody. Obviously, you were an orphan. Matthias wanted his mother to be alive for a very good reason, but was it really worth playing with the rules of death and life for? Would his mother want this?

Your thoughts were interrupted as your heart seared in fear. You had tripped, and all you saw was blue. You were pulled back by Matthias, and you backed up into his chest in fear.

"What the hell..." He murmured, voice slightly shaky.

In front of you was a giant, dark blue hole. It looked terrifying. Who knew what lay down there. It was like a black hole but in the ocean. In a way, it was beautiful, but the very creepy part about it was that it looked like it went on forever and ever.

And you almost fell in it.

"What kind of island is this..." You whimpered softly. Matthias grabbed his gun and shot into the air, and before long, his men came. They gazed at the hole in awe.

"Oh my god..." Lukas said,

"We've searched the entire island, Captain. No sign of anything." Berwald said. Matthias looked troubled. The two of you hadn't found anything either, and that meant the entire island was searched and the Axe was nowhere to be found.

You took a deep breath and walked to the end of the cliff you stood on, gazing deep into the hole.

"Woah, be careful!" Tino exclaimed, sweating a little bit with nervousness at seeing you so close to the edge.

Earlier, you had seen a glimmer of white in the depths of the hole. That could only mean one thing. There was a bottom.

"The star on the tip of Avalon's tail is being reflected in this hole. That means we have to go in."


raging storm

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