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An hour or so later, Matthias decided to check on your progress. It wasn't only that, but for some reason, he really wanted to see you again. This was a feeling he tried to push away however.

We just met. I can't already be liking her like that. I'm sure it's just because I think she's... Interesting. Nothing more than admiration, right?

He stood up from his desk and stretched. Matthias had been studying maps himself while you worked, but he was unable to focus anyway because of his constant thoughts about you and the axe.

"I'm so close to it. I can't believe it. I've been searching for this for years..." He mumbled to himself while he put his maps away.

f l a s h b a c k

two years ago

Matthias ran his hand through his crazy lion's mane and groaned. He stared at the map in his hands and started to grow frustrated.

"Calm down." Lukas, his first mate said. The blonde grabbed the map from Matthias's hands and put it away. Matthias started to protest, but Lukas put a hand on his shoulder and looked sternly into his eyes.

"Matthias... I've been meaning to say this for a while now. Do you really need that Axe?"

Matthias turned around, eyes watery.

"Of course I do!"

"I think it's time to let go of that incident, Matthias."

Matthias sighed and clenched his fists, quickly wiping away any stray tears.

"Lukas. I'm going to get that axe. He didn't deserve to go, not like that. But I don't know how to find it!"

"There is one thing you can do, Matthias. Go to a sea witch. I know one off the coast of Indonesia. They're not like what others call 'witches.' These witches have real magic. The only catch is they require lots of gold to talk, and if you offend them, they can use their magic to trick and deceive you."

And so Matthias and Lukas turned their ship around and headed to Indonesia. After a bit of adventuring, they finally found the sea witch's home. It was hidden underground as to not attract attention. For that reason, only Lukas and Matthias went to the hideout and left the rest of the crew to tend to the ship.

Matthias thought it would be small, but the place in fact was a huge chamber, bustling with slaves. They came and went, polishing things, carrying sacred scrolls, and flipping books.

"Why are you here." An ominous voice said, startling Matthias. He jumped a little and examined the slave girl. She wore a simple tan coloured dress and her hair reached down to her waist. The disturbing thing about her appearance was her eyes- they were completely white.

"I'm here to see Lady Pandora." He said.

"Come with me." The girl said, and he followed her uncomfortably. Looking around, he realized that all the slaves had completely white eyes, something that he and Lukas found very disturbing.

He finally entered the grand doors where Pandora sat, and upon entering, bowed down on his knee and pressed his captain's hat to his chest as a sign of respect.

"Lady Pandora? I am Matthias Køhler."

"I know." Came a stern voice, and Matthias got up. He took in the sights- a giant throne was in the front of the room, surrounded by candles. Pandora sat on the throne, mindlessly running her finger through the flame of a particular candle. She looked down on him, and he truly felt intimidated.

Lady Pandora was a young lady, easily in her 20's. If sea witches were even able to age. She had long, dark hair that reached her ankles. Her skin was golden bronze, and many tattoos of the constellations dotted her skin. Also etched onto her skin were ocean tides and nautical information. But there was one odd tattoo, right on her stomach; a mermaid, weeping, with an arrow through her tail.

She bled silver.

"What do you seek to know...?" She said. Her tone was soft and hissy. Matthias looked directly into her eyes and realized that they were a deep ocean blue, unlike her slaves.

"I wish to know how to find the Axe of Avalon."

Pandora paused, then smiled. It was unsettling-her teeth were sharp like daggers.

"Why do you wish to mess with the laws of death, my boy....?" She asked, her accent heavy.

"It's for a good reason. I've been looking for a year, but I can't find it." He said.

"Do you even know that the Axe of Avalon is..." She hissed. "Or do you only know of its powers..."

Matthias stayed silent and gulped, afraid that his lack of knowledge about the axe would only upset the witch.

"Let me tell you..." She said. "The Axe of Avalon is named after the fallen mermaid warrior. I expect that after this you will do your research, boy." She said.

Matthias nodded obediently.

"Very well then... I shall tell you how to find the Axe of Avalon...."

Suddenly, her eyes went completely black. Her pupil faded and all that was present in her eyes Was a deep, unsettling black. Until they changed to show a wooden ship in a roaring sea.

"That's my ship!" Matthias said, excitedly.

"Yes... To seek the ship, you have to find a girl... A girl who knows about the stars and about the sea.... Her name is (Y/N) (L/N)... And you must find her in 3 days..."

"Why 3 days?" The Dane asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"She doesn't know it yet, but she is about to be executed... For her witchcraft. If you save her, you can use her knowledge to find the Axe. She will know."

"Where is she?"

"Come here, boy..." Pandora said.

Matthias hesitantly made his way to her.

"Ah!" He yelped as Pandora suddenly grabbed his wrist. There was a terrible burning sensation, and he quickly pulled away. Examining his wrist, he saw that a mark had been left- A shimmering scale. It shone beautiful colors of blue and silver, but it hurt terribly.

"There. I gave you the mark... Now you will always know where (Y/N) is. Go find her my boy... And remember... When you play with the dead, you must obey their rules..."

Matthias closed his eyes and felt a weird sensation, like someone was tugging on his wrist.

"This will lead me to (Y/N)... He said, and was about to rush out the door.

"Wait." Pandora said. "There is something you should know about the girl.

"She is...."

-back to the present-

haha you thought i would let you listen to that?

Matthias walked outside to check on your progress, and he saw you sleeping against the tall wooden pole which he had tied you up against previously. The calculations were all done.

Amazing! She did that in one hour?

He looked at you and immediately felt bad. You were doing so much for him, but you were probably starving, thirsty, sleepy, and cold. Matthias looked at your form and decided you wouldn't sleep out in the cold, all uncomfortable.

He picked you up and brought you to his bedroom. He put you on the bed and tucked you in, almost lovingly, and left the room. He was definitely not sleeping tonight. He walked to the front of the ship and gently ran his fingers along the cracks and crevices of the beautiful mermaid statue.


raging storm

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