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You woke up with a clouded mind and walked out to the stern of the boat, barefoot. The clouds gently glided by as you sat on a piece of wood attached to the ship. Feet dangling off the side, you watched the ocean mist spray against the boat. For a while, there was peace. Your skin soaked in the sun, giving your figure a beautiful, tan, glow.

Remembering the events of last night, your brain again, shot into many complicated thoughts. The boat was completely empty save for Lukas, who was taking his shift at the wheel. He hadn't seemed to have noticed you yet. The ship was ever so softly gliding along the ocean waves.

You decided to talk to him.

"Umm... Hello." You said quietly, and Lukas turned around and jumped slightly in surprise. A little flustered from showing emotion, he readjusted his clothing and expression monotonously.

"Hi. You okay?" He asked, raising a blonde eyebrow in concern. Automatically, you felt uncomfortable. Was Lukas really this open with feelings? You had always thought that he was emotionless, more of a brain follower than heart follower.

You sighed a little bit.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit... Lost." You said. Lukas understood immediately what was on your mind without you having to say too much, so you were grateful for that. You fell back into ease as you generally enjoyed being around the Norwegian.

"Is it about Matthias? If it makes you feel any better, he's a really sincere guy, even if he may not look like it." Lukas said, but as he said that, you thought you saw a little glint of red in his eye. A shudder shot straight up your spine way too fast, and you could feel yourself breathing heavier.

"Oh my god." You said, panicking. A dark ship was sailing right towards you. You turned to Lukas, but he stared straight ahead, his eyes hard and cold, even smirking a little bit as the scary-looking ship sailed closer. It was Kirkland's ship.

"L-Lukas?" You asked. He turned straight towards you and grabbed both of your arms, pulling them behind your body. You tried to scream, but he covered your mouth with a gloved arm. A sickeningly sweet smell wafted up to your nose before you saw something silver spewing from your wrist. It was blood.

An evil aura surrounded the Norwegian, and when you looked down, you saw his gloved hand holding a knife... That had just cut into your wrist, the place where the scales were. They hurt terribly, and you felt as if your skin had been lit on fire.

Lukas studied the scale, eyes dark and shady. He greedily held it up to the light.

"Why the hell would you do that?" You gasped, your voice barely above a whisper from the loss of... Blood, or whatever that silver liquid coming from your body was.

"Please. Stop trying to act like these are yours. Matthias made a mistake," He said, and tightened his grip on your hands.

He marched you to the back of the ship where a small room was locked up. He unlocked the door and you stood in the doorway.

Oh god... No...

A man with pale hair lay crumpled on the floor, bloody and battered. His eyes, once upon a time, full of brightness and happiness, were now closed. His skin was deathly pale, indicating his time of death was a while ago.

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