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Hey guys can you please follow me on Instagram @/vanessathakkar cuz u know this girl is trynna get famous lmao

"Everyone's weapons are sharpened?" Matthias said. He had gotten no sleep for the past days. He knew that Kirkland's aim was, and he had been tirelessly upgrading all the weapons and battle skills on his ship and crew to keep himself busy while searching for you. He was worried and it showed- his undereyes were dark, eyes red and puffy, and skin pale.

After everyone had discovered Lukas's body, he fell into a state of depression-but once he figured out that they had taken you, he worked restlessly to his goal of helping you.

"The weapons have been sharpened," Tino said with a gentle voice. Matthias grit his teeth and turned, eyes bloodshot.

"They need to be more sharpened. Do it again. I'm going to rip out Arthur's heart when I find him."


You felt warmth spread all around your body but still shuddered. The environment was unsettling and unfamiliar, and you couldn't seem to gather enough strength to open your eyes. Your body felt extremely light, almost as if you were floating.

It appeared like you were in outer space, there wasn't any hint of sound either. It was just pure silence. Then, all of a sudden, a wave crashed in out of nowhere and drenched you. Closing your eyes, you opened them to see something amazing- you were in the middle of the ocean. Your skin was dry and you could breathe. Your hair floated behind you, noticeably longer than usual.

Something felt odd with your legs... You looked back and paled a little. Your skin had been replaced with a scaly, slimy, tail. It was pure white and shimmery.

"Am I dreaming?" You asked yourself, but saw a glint of red around the corner. You quickly pushed forward, trying to harness the power of your tail.

Out of nowhere, your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw a flash of gold. Widening your eyes, you swam as fast as you could towards it. It felt like a wild goose chase, and your stamina was running low, so you stopped for a few seconds to catch your breath. You still could see absolutely nothing-now you were starting to suspect that you were on the ocean floor or something. You shuddered.

"Why would anyone want to be here? It's so dark, and creepy..." You mumbled to yourself.

"(Name)," a gentle voice said. "I haven't seen you in so long... You've grown." You looked around to register the speaker, but nothing showed.

"What?" You asked hesitantly, trying to swim towards the voice. No luck, it sounded like it came from everywhere.

"My daughter, I have to make this quick. You're in a realm between the ocean and space. This is the only place I will be able to see you."

"But I'm unconscious... I think..." You said uncertainly.

"Yes, you are."

"So how do I know any of this is real? And I'm your daughter? That means you're the mermaid, Avalon or is that a lie too?" You asked. So many questions spiraled around your head.

"It's up to you to believe if it's real or not. It's true, I could just be your imagination, but your life or death situation's outcome depends on what you want to believe."

You stayed silent. The voice wasn't commanding or strong like you thought it was. She was a warrior, but her voice was gentle. Tears immediately came to your eyes as it finally hit you. Your mother wasn't alive anymore, and this would be all you could get of her. Years of wondering where you came from, and it was all happening at once.

"What do I do?"

"You need to jump overboard. Any chance you get, you have to jump and trust your blood." She said. "Kirkland knows you're part mermaid, but he doesn't know you have the power to survive in the water. You have to trust yourself and me." The voice said.

"Jump out of the ship-got it. Umm... What about my father?"

"Your father was a human-they are all the same, my child. They become greedy and value money and objects over love. Your father left us a long time ago and is irrelevant."

You bit your lip and thought about Matthias.

"Okay. One more thing."

The voice was silent.

"Can I see you?" You asked, eyes wide, desperately looking around for that flick of gold again.

"My darling, you will always be able to see me. I'm a myth in the books, a constellation in the heavens, and all the life in the ocean. I'm also in your heart, and never forget that."


You woke up and your vision was dizzy and blurry, but your mind was sharp. You quickly started formulating a plan to get out of there. You were still tied up, and your arm was bandaged, but you knew that it would be ripped open again to collect the blood-until the 7th day. From what you could see, there was a large, red cross marked on your chest, right over your heart. You shuddered. You had to get out of there.

The cross was obviously marked with someone else's blood (since they didn't have markers back then) and was dripping everywhere. Trying your best to use your tied hands, you wiped some of the blood under your skirt.

"Captain?" You called out a couple times. Finally, he stomped down the staircase, grumbling something about how he needed his beauty sleep.

"What the hell do you want?" He snarled, green eye glimmering with anger. You gulped.

"I need to... Use the bathroom." You said.

"No you don't." He said, and turned around.

"But I...." You lifted your skirt a little bit, and Arthur was horrified-and embarassed-to see the red liquid dripping down all over the floor.

"JeSus CHriSt WoMan- JUST GO!" He said, putting his hands over his face and blushing furiously.

You rolled your eyes as he untied you.

"Stupid men. Don't they understand that periods are a part of life?" You murmured. You snuck into the kitchen to grab some things you would need- a knife, some food, and a satchel. You had to trust that it would all stay dry just as you did in the ocean.

"Hey!" Came a loud voice. You widened your eyes and turned. It was one of the pirates on Kirkland's crew, Jones. He had spotted you. The boy took out a sword and swung it at you, but you parried it with the knife.

Shit! I wish the weapons storage wasn't locked! I'm just going to have to make a run for it!

You quickly turned and jumped into the ocean.

"KIRLAND!" Jones screamed, running back to tell his leader.

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