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There it was, gloomy as ever. The ship that Matthias hoped he would never see again in his lifetime. The entire crew stood on edge.

"Ready the canons!" Matthias said, his yells echoing in the gloomy silence.

After your strange gut feeling, Matthias had made you rest. About an hour or so later, you heard footsteps on the ship and decided to look out the window. The entire crew was outside, their weapons ready.

"Is there really something bad coming? So I was right?" You asked yourself quietly, and stepped outside.

Matthias immediately turned around and rushed to the doorway of the room.

"You can't be out here." He said firmly.


"No. Go back in!" He ordered, and you flinched. You were about to close the door, but then you saw... Something in the distance.

"Is that another pirate ship?!" You asked.

Matthias nodded grimly and gently pushed you inside, slamming the door shut. He locked it with a key and tied the key around his neck with a rope. At least you would be safe inside. Tucking the key into his shirt, he unsheathed his trusty sword and stood on the stern.

"Let me out!" You yelled, banging on the door, but the noise didn't reach anyone. Besides, Matthias had given strict orders to everyone to protect you at all costs.

You sighed and slumped against the door, and heard the sounds of the cannons being pushed out from below the ship. Putting your hands about your head, you started to panic.

What if the ship sinks? What if I'm forced to drown because it sinks? What if someone shoots a canon through this room? What if Matthias gets killed?

Many thoughts ran through your head, so you tried to breathe deeply and stay quiet. You stared at the map in front of you, and the familiar sight of your passions calmed you down slightly. However, a constant thought of worry ran through your brain.

Will we be okay?

Outside on the stern, the sound of a loud clank sounded throughout the ship. Matthias turned around quickly to find himself face to face with the man he despised most.

"Well... Long time no see..." The man sneered, walking around Matthias and examining him mockingly. "My, you've grown quite a bit, haven't you? If I don't recall, the last time I met you, you were with your-"

"Shut up!" Matthias said, eyes hardening. He pointed his sword at the man, but his attempt was immediately countered by another thin, long, sword.

"What do you want?!" Matthias said, glaring.

"Oh... You know exactly what I want."

"I'm not going to let you have the axe!" Matthias said. "Besides, you don't even know how to get it!"

"Oh... But I do. Don't you know that witches don't keep secrets?" Arthur said, holding up his arm. There were scales on it; the same pattern that Matthias had on his wrist. The pattern that Matthias had gotten from Pandora a short while ago.

"Pandora, you dirty witch..." Matthias murmured.


A giant cannon blasted towards Matthias's ship, barely missing it. Suddenly, the entire watercraft broke out into pirate war.

Through all the clanking of swords and the booming of cannons, you curled up in the corner, praying that everyone was going to be okay.

The doorknob rattled. You held your breath.

Calm down. It's probably Matthias!

"Well, hello princess..." A sneering voice came from the doorway. Horrified and pale, you turned around to see a man with glimmering eyes.

"W-Who are you?" You gasped, stumbling to your feet and grabbing a knife that was in the corner of Matthias's room. He didn't see your action, and you tucked the knife behind your body. The man shook his head and laughed.

"Why, I'm hurt. Køhler never told you about me?" He said in mock sadness. "I'm Captain Kirkland. The strongest pirate of the seven seas. And you're coming with me." He said, grabbing your wrist.

"No!" You grunted and thrusted the knife into his hand.

"Little brat!" He yelled, but kept a firm grip on you.

What the hell? He has a knife through his hand, yet he's still holding on?

"Oh no, you don't!" Matthias yelled and kicked open the door.

"Not you again! You annoying pest!" Captain Kirkland growled and whipped around, sword-fighting the blonde Scandinavian again. The knife was still through his hand and moved around slightly as he parried Matthias's strikes, making you slightly nauseous.

You were about to grab a gun that was conveniently laying in Matthias's drawer when someone grabbed your arm and spun you around. You leaned into a muscular chest, praying it was Matthias, but all that hope shattered when a blade was brought to your soft skin.

"Move and she dies," Kirkland said, his sword inches away from your neck. You struggled in his grip but tried to be as careful as possible. One wrong move and your throat would be slit. You knew what happened then, and suffocation was not a quick and painless way to die.

Matthias froze, and you could tell that he was being extremely cautious.

"You're bluffing," Matthias said, but wearily. "You need her to find the axe."

"Am I really?" Kirkland smirked, slicing a bit of skin around your collarbone. You yelped as blood dribbled down, staining your shirt.

"Let her go!" Matthias yelled. "Now!"

"Only if you give me the axe once you find it..." Kirkland said. "And if you don't, well then... This little girl dies... And I'll make sure it's far more torturous than a simple slice to the neck," He spat.

Matthias looked at you for a second and without hesitating, nodded.

"Fine. Just leave her!"

Kirkland let you go and shoved you in Matthias's direction. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, and as soon as he had arrived, Kirkland was gone. You were shivering slightly, a little traumatized from being so close to death. Matthias gently stroked your hair.

"Ssh... You're okay."

Matthias's eyes hardened, and he let go of you quickly. He rushed outside. A great number of his men were injured, but luckily, none had died. Matthias could tell that Arthur was just teasing him. If he really wanted, Arthur could have killed his entire crew himself. The ship in the distance was gone, something that was crazy if you thought about it how slow ships moved.

A whirling hurricane formed inside of Matthias's eyes. There were no tears anymore, only rage. The thought of Arthur arriving and trying to kill someone close to him yet again angered him, and he wouldn't stand still this time. This was war, and the raging storm inside Matthias had been awoken.

You watched silently from the room, staring at the blood on your hands.


raging storm

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