Dog tracker

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" What do you mean he escape!?" I can't believe that creeper is roaming around again.

"He killed 3 of our best guards and he jump over the fence. We believe he is still after you Melissa." The officer looks at me with fear.

"Then what do you suggest we do then officer." my dad ask.

"Yeah, I can't face that creeper anymore." he been in my dreams and in my thoughts 24/7 ever since he been arrested.

"I suggest we put you and your father in the witness protection "

"What?" A new whole life with a new name?

"Do you want to escape from that criminal?" the police officer ask me.

"So badly" I want to get away from that guy once and for all.

"Then this is your only choice miss."

I look from the officer back to my father . I really have no other choice.

"Fine then. I'll sign up"

Wolf tracker (Slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now