Chapter two

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-Creeper P.O.V-

How much I just want to be near her. Melissa is my mate but I can't claim her, she is just a human. I can't revile myself to her and say ' oh, I am a werewolf and we have these thing call mates and your my mate. That mean we are meant to be.' What a good way to impress her.( note the sarcasm)

The best way for her to love me the same way I love her is to text her first and to let her to know me. I seen this sometimes, there called pin pals. Then once she get comfortable with me, then I'll let her see the real me and see if she still like me. After that, I'll plan later. But for now, I must keep myself a secret from her.

My wolf crys to be near her but I must wait. If my brother, the Alpha, find out I been mated to a human, he will surely forbid me from seeing her and make me marry another she wolf. My wolf can't take that. Being with a mate mean the whole world is with them, and being banned to see Melissa forever would break my heart and my wolf forever.

When I first saw her in California, I knew I must be with her all times, she was so caring and loving. I didn't even care that she was human, she was the one for me. So I move away from my pack for a while to be near her in Oregon and to protect her from any danger. This may be creepy but its the only way I could be there for her. I love her too much to give her up. Even if she a human. She is my mate and one day, she will be mine.

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