Chapter twenty-three

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-Melissa P.O.V-

Ugh. My back hurts and my arm.

I keep tossing and turning but it felt like I was sleeping on the floor.

I open my eyes and saw grey walls and chains on the wall. What the?

I slowly lift myself but my back was hurting. Wow, I was sleeping on the floor.

"Look who awake" I know that voice. It give me the creep when ever he talked.

"Where am I Victor?" I look to the bars and saw Victor leaning back to the wall. He had a small smile and he was looking at me.

"Welcome to our lovely dungeon. Do you like or what?" He ask me very kindly. Wow that a first.

"Why am I here? What do you want?" I ask him.

"Well, do know who Seth is right?" He ask me. He keep taking a step closer to the bar and it started to creep me out.

"Y-yes" I slutter.

"And have you ever meet Seth before you move here? I don't know, maybe in Oregon?"

Where is he going with this? Does he know? It not possible.

" No, never" I respond maybe a little too quick.

"Don't lie Gwen. Or should I call you by your real name, Melissa"

Oh shit!

"H-how do y-you know?" Now he really freakin me out.

"I have my ways. My little resource got some information about you before you moved here and it says here-" he then pulled a file from behind his back "-that your real name is Melissa Gordon and you were born in Oregon and is raise by a single parent. How sad. Also your a straight A student at Panther high, you have no trouble in your file and only have two police report. One from your mother death and another with attempt of kidnap. What that about?" he look up to me and he had a creep smile.

"Look, yes my name is Melissa. And the only reason I had to change it is when Seth tried to kidnap me. He freak me out really bad. I was only fourteen." I felt tears coming but none came out.

"I see. And did my brother change your life forever? Had to move town and change school because you were scared once Seth broke out of prison?"


"Then let me help you. I could give you your life back"

How could he give me my life back. Seth ruin my past and I could never go back.

"I have my ways. Do you know what we are?"

"Yes, Seth told me you guys werewolves." I remember that moment and I could never forget it.

"With being a werewolf, we know people. Like witches. And what do you know about witches."

"That they have spells"

"Yes. And with a spell, I could help you get your life back. Have your friends back, your straight A, and be back at your loving home."

That does sound good. But what about Seth?

"I don't know. I grown ok with Seth." I actually wanted to be with him.

"Come on Melissa, he change your perfect life and made you do things you never wanted to. Just say yes to my offer and I will get you your past life again. You will never remember anything that happen the past two years that had anything to do with Seth. Everything will go back to normal and happy again. What do you say?" he lean out his arm so I would shake it.

Forget Seth? Have my life again? What can I say?

"Yes" I stand up and grab for his hand.

"Great, you will not regret it." He pull away his hand and with the other, he threw white powered to my face.

"What the?" before I could tell him off, my body became numb and I felt my body falling down to the ground.

"Hope you have a great life again " Is all I heard from Seth before blackness took over.

Is this chapter good? Hope it is, I'm not too crazy for this chapter.





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