Chapter twenty nine

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-Melissa P.O.V-

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder
Gotta love me harder
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder

I buzz my phone and stretch my arms but I felt like my hand was being hold back. I open my eye and saw a pair of arm around my body keeping me down. I turn my head and saw my Seth sleeping so soundly.

We must have fallen asleep after he told me to calm down yesterday. I cried so much, I grew tired and fell asleep.

I quietly remove his arm around me and sneak out to the bathroom so I could do my morning daily.

I turn my music on and shower really quick so I don't make much noise. After I brush my hair, I still had time to get my clothes and backpack ready.

I stayed so quiet the whole time, I think I could be a ninja. I put my backpack on my back and slowly open the door so I could leave.

"Where you think your going?" I stop my movement and froze with surprise.

"To school" I turn slowly and saw Seth sit up in my bed. His hair was such a mess but he still look better than me in the morning.

"I'll give you a ride" he gets up and slip in his shoes.

"Babe no. I could drive" I beg him. I didn't want my mate to get up and drive me to school. He need to stay and sleep more.

"I won't let you go alone. After what happen yesterday, I'm scared someone else might come after you." he gets up and stand next to me. " I love you Melissa and I won't let anything happen to you again" he kisses my temple and pass right next to me.

I'm still getting use to being kiss by the guy who was stocking me for a year.

I walk down stair to see Seth eating a bowel of cereal with Jose and they were so quiet while eating.

"Come on Seth. I don't want to be late." I grab an apple and started walking to the door.

After Seth drop me off at school, I meet up with Miley,Lily, Josh and Caleb in front of the school. This is going to be weird when I tell them about Jesus being a werewolf.

"Hey guys" I gave them a weak smile and wave.

"Sup girl!" Miley and lily both tackle me and hug me.

"Ufff!! that's enough" I push them back.

"So where Jesus?" Josh ask.

Here we go.

"Me and him broke up. We got into a fight" I tell them with a sad face.

"Oh my"

"How sad"

"What happen?"

"So your single again?" Caleb wiggle his eyebrow but Miley hit him in the stomach.

"Yup, me and him just had a fight and nothing else" I look down so they couldn't tell i had something else in mind. I couldn't tell them about jesus. I wuss out.

"Don't lie to us Melissa. We can tell when your lying.What happen?" Lily tell me.

Wow, they could tell I was lying. I need to hide my tells.

"Ok guys but promise you won't tell anyone. Like no one"

"We promise" they all raise their right hand and promise.

"Ok. Come closer" they came closer and we huddle up.

I look left to right to see anyone was near us.

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