'It's very.... colourful?' I said. I can't speak condescendingly, my hair is candy floss blue for gods sake.
'It's almost loud in a way, don't you think? Sure to attract more customers!' My boss, Cam asked with a huge grin.
My boss decided to add an American section to the shop. Coincidentally after meeting Bubblegum pink girl. Fate is really saying something, huh?
'Yeah Cam, American sweets are getting really popular recently, business will be good!' I encourage him because it makes him happy, and that's good right? Making people happy.
It wasn't exactly a lie either. American sweets are becoming popular. Hell I've got a tub of Laffy Taffys at my house.
I decided to send BPG a message telling her about the new section, because hey maybe that'll tempt her back to me.
To: Bubblegum
Me: there's an American section here now, come recommend some stuff?
Bubblegum: hahaha sure, candy floss. Later though, I'm busy atm.
Me: fair enough. What ya doing?
Bubblegum: aren't you still at work? How are you on your phone lmao?
Bubblegum: besides, if I told you I'd have to kill you. And I don't particularly wanna do that.Me: work is slow. No ones in the shop atm and boss is busy with checking stock nd shit.
Me: guess you'll have to prepare my grave, babe. I realllly wanna know ;3Bubblegum: fair enough lol. I'm painting my sisters spare room. She asked me to pick a nice color, wanna know what I chose?
Me: aww bubblegum can be nice :p. Enlighten me then, what colour did you pick?
Me: wait no. Let me guess. Some variation of pink?!Bubblegum: you couldn't be more wrong candy floss. I chose baby blue.
Bubblegum: gotta go. Sorry I liked talking, bye xMe: see ya later :) x
She chose blue? Is it connected to me?! Did she chose it because of me?!? No no, I'm over thinking this. Blue is a popular colour. A very popular colour that isn't connected purely to me.
Although it might be for her. After all, she's the only thing I think of now whenever I see pink.
We've talked a few times before. She's funny, my age, and likes animals. The whole package really.
I got distracted by a slight buzzing noise. I got a text, wow I'm so popular today.
My heart did a weird flip thing when I saw who texted me.
I don't even have to say who because it's obvious.
What did it say?
'Btw. I love Hershey's kisses.'
I guess I found my new favourite chocolate.