『animosity between brothers

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A/N: The Northern Water Tribe is heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! The festival is up next and I'm very excited to bring the water tribe arc to its conclusion. I think I might do a time skip after writing some loose ends or do a quick air temple segment first... I'll see how this arc ends before I decide.


The rising sun casts a beautiful glaze across the sea yet an eerie calm settles within the country, despite the quiet beginnings of the morning. As ripples dance across the water, their tension builds. It's hard to come by a smile at the docks today, and you expect that to be the case until the festival.

Not long after, shadowy figures begin to float upon the water one by one. At first, they appear small to the eye, but as time passes they grow in size until they show their true selves: giant Northern Water Tribe ships. 

Calls to begin readying for their arrival reverberate across the port. People scatter around and busy themselves to tend to the massive ships, and you make haste over to greet those that come. When your feet meet the wooden surface of the port, you spot Tonraq stationed at the front of the pier. His stiff silhouette does nothing to hide his anxiety of the fated reunion with his tribesmen. 

You walk over to his side and glance up at him. His eyes remain solemn at the sight of the ship docking and you reach out to grab hold of his hand. An innocent gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by the burly man; he squeezes your hand and breathes in deeply.

The bridge to the main ship lowers and makes land on the dock. You take in a sharp breath at the sight of a few Northern soldiers venturing out to form lines on each side of the bridge. They stand at attention when a tall lanky boy steps out.

His gaze feels more frigid than the arctic tundras stationed in the Northern Water Tribe, yet his eyes hold the same color of blue that Tonraq's eyes possess. The stark contrast despite some similarities unnerves you.

"That is my brother."

He stalks over to the both of you, each step more careful than the next. An expression of disdain seems permanently etched on his face, and it doesn't waver when he stops to greet you two. "You must be [Name], the coordinator. I am Unalaq, crowned prince of the Northern Water Tribe."

His lack of interest on his brother startles you but you try your best to be as cordial as you can. "O-Oh, yes. Welcome to the Southern Water Tribe and thank you for attending the festival."

"... I take it that all of the preparations have gone smoothly," he responds. Clearly, he has no desire to help and expects his appearance to be enough of a contribution-- it's all just pleasantries to feign his willing involvement in what his father signed him up for. 

"Yes, the Fire Nation and Republic City were great contributors to the festival. The Air Nomads also aided a lot by spreading the word." Your smile feels tight against your lips as you send your passive aggressive remarks.

Unalaq narrows his eyes. "We at the Northern Water Tribe expect this to be a success, seeing as how you ride on the favoritism of the Avatar."

"There's no need for that, brother," Tonraq sighs.

 "Why musn't I speak up at the Avatar's lack of impartiality?" Unalaq counters. "The role of the Avatar isn't to allow only his hometown to flourish--"

"This isn't his hometown," you add to the Avatar's defense. "Plus, it just looks like you're throwing a temper tantrum that you can't get any richer..."

Unalaq's eyebrow twitches at your curt statement. "Excuse me, I find that your words completely inappropriate."

"I find your words inappropriate too," you retort, "I'll be sure to tell Aang of your troubles and let's see what he thinks about it."

"Is that a threat?" His gaze becomes icier and the tension at the port hits its peak.

"I'm just saying... Even Fire Prince Iroh doesn't complain about things like that," you shrug, "and here I thought princes were less whiney."

"Are you even acquainted with Fire Lord Zuko's grandson?" he scoffs.

"Sure I am!" you grin.

"I doubt it."

"She is his girlfriend," Tonraq informs his brother quickly.

"What?" Unalaq briefly scans your body from top to bottom as he tries to assess how you snagged a prince with no title to your name.

As much as you enjoy toying with the boy, you find his gaze inappropriate and rush to another topic. "All of the world leaders and their children will be at the festival. I think it will be in your best interest to behave, Unalaq."

The man growls and storms off without another word, though he stops for a brief moment when he faces the large city. With a huff, he returns to your company and crosses his arms. "Where will I be staying?"

"See, I would have told you way before if you were on your best behavior," you shake your head.

Okay, maybe you pushed him too far now and it shows by his red complexion. "My father will be hearing about your insubordination!"

You're numb to threats, having been through enough after meeting all your friends' fathers. "Go ahead, I'm great friends with your father."

He's 100% done and storms off, "I'm going to find Sokka!"

You both watch his form stomp away as his soldiers hastily follow suit. Once he's gone, Tonraq turns to face you with a perplexed expression. "Are you really good friends with my father?"

"Yeah... Apparently, Hammy Sr. was in your father's pocket and it scared him. So I just took him out and now he thinks I'm some savior," you explain simply. 

It takes Tonraq a moment to register the story. His father has always been a man of little emotion, stern, and no weaknesses. How in the world did he become frightened of a small rodent?

"____... I highly doubt my father will admit to being saved from a hamster if that is the case," Tonraq comments slowly.

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