『friends or foes

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A/N: I'm updating every week to get these after stories done. 7 more chapters to go! I had to reread the story to make sure I'm writing this reader-insert correctly since it's been a while haha... Enjoy!


The ballroom twinkles with glitz and glam. Its occupants are dressed in their most expensive robes. Quiet discussions linger in the air while the more vivacious of characters speak in loud tones outside in the veil of night. You are not such a person and remain indoors with a plate of food on hand. 

You glance at your husband for a brief moment, still noting the permanent hum of happiness on his expression, and return your stare to the party. "Why are we here?"

"Because we were invited," he answers as if it was obvious.

You withhold your need to sound exasperated, but it bleeds into your response, "I get invited to many things, Iroh. I don't attend all of them just for the sake of it."

His smile turns nervous. "Oh, come on. I told you that while you were away, Mel and I became friends and she got married. Can't you be like them?" He points with his chin over to the left, causing your attention to slide over to there.

You notice Zuko with his wife speaking animatedly with a woman their age. "I don't get it."

"That's Mai, my grandpa's ex-girlfriend."

Your face twists with amazement. "Your grandpa still has ex-girlfriends?"

"That's a dark joke," he smirks. "Anyways, my grandma gets along with her really well. They're good friends and hang out all the time. My grandma told me that they didn't get along before because of the hostility between them. In the end, they were able to settle their differences."

"And so you believe that story is similar to what's to come?"

His hand grabs yours tenderly. "When you were gone, I needed a lot of support from my friends and family. They all came together, put aside differences, and helped me. Mel was one of them, and it wasn't to steal me away."

You try to be convinced, but for some reason, your heart refuses. That girl was rejected far too many times but never gave up. Besides, Iroh is naïve when it comes to these things even in his late thirties. 

"Fine, fine. Let's go congratulate them on their... four years of marriage," you sigh as you stifle your next complaint. Why celebrate four years? They should have done something this lavish for a five-year anniversary. Not a random number like four.

Iroh kisses your cheek before guiding you through the crowd towards Mel and her husband. The closer you two get, the more you begin to realize something. Your eyes scrupulously analyze her husband until finally you are standing before him.

"Hi, you must be [Name]." He bows and introduces his name, but you don't listen. No, not when you finalize your conclusion. This man looks like an identical twin to Iroh from afar, and their features slightly differentiate when up close.

You peek at Iroh, but he's oblivious to the apparent red flag. Upon the man's pause, you say, "Yes, I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you and congratulations on four years of happy bliss."

"Thanks, I'm a really lucky man!"

Your focus slides over to Mel, who feigns innocence with her even expression. "Very lucky indeed... Hello, Mel."

"Good evening."

Iroh forces out a laugh, "Why don't us husbands give our wives some time to chat?"

As Iroh drags him away, her husband tries to protest, "But I have many things I'd like to speak to [Name] about!"

"Another time."

With their exit, you drop your ignorant act and ask her directly. "You know, if anyone glanced at us four, they'd think we married a set of twins."

Her eyes avoid yours. "Is that so?"

"I remember your husband from a family gathering. Isn't he Iroh's second cousin from his dad's side?" You pretend to ponder, but it's a fact that you know well. 

She hears the amusement in your tone and narrows her eyes. "What about it?"

You step forward, close enough so only she can hear. "When you tried to comfort Iroh, how did that go?"

A pout forms before it's once again replaced with stiff apathy. "I don't know what you mean."

"Please, it's so obvious."

She debates on whether to be truthful or not, but you always paint her a fool when you catch her lies. Having nowhere to run, she admits to her ploys. "It didn't go well. He was too distraught that I thought he was going to be a monk from how removed he was from romance."

"Mhm." This you already know due to Iroh mentioning everything upon your return. Despite you effusing that any sort of fling while your disappearance was okay, he truly had none to utter as he remained faithful to you for all those years.

"He thought I brought flowers for you," she grumbles, "he believed all those gifts that I brought for him were for you. He was finally acting nice to me because he thought I was being nice to you."

"And so you kept up the charade."

"He's... an idiot," Mel grumbles.

You smirk, "Haven't I told you to stop trying."

"You don't need to tell me anymore. I already did stop trying."

"But your husband--"

She won't listen to your objection and explains her truth, "I may have cleaned him up to have Iroh's style, but he's very different from Iroh."

"How so?" you arch an eyebrow.

"He's stupider."

Her bluntness catches you off-guard. Your eyes widen, and you let out a breathy chuckle, "Heh, and how's that going for you?"

"My great-aunt said that due to my insufferable trait, my only hope in finding a happy marriage is to find someone oblivious to everything."

"Sounds about right," you nod your head.

She glares, "And so this just happened to work, and I gave up on Iroh. I thought he was a lost cause anyways, but thankfully, you're back to take care of him."

"Yes, I'm back to take care of him." As you nod your head, you notice the flicker of relief on her expression. "I can tell you do care for him even if just as friends."

Shock spreads across her features as she recites her tale. "We grew up together. We were friends first until I was given the idea that he was my husband for eternity. I thought it was destiny and refused to give up on it. But seeing how he acted without you, I know now that what I did to him was unfair. It took me more time to accept it, but now, we've returned as friends."

With a speculative tone, you ask her an inane question. "Do you think we can be friends then?"

"No, never," comes her quick response. "I think even when we're grandparents, I'll still be glaring at you from afar at a party."

You smile, "Good, I was of the same mind."

The Unpredictable Fire Adventurers [General Iroh II x Reader] [Legend of Korra]Where stories live. Discover now