8-kalani is a savage

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Guys I just realized how fucking short this chapter is.
But anyway. Kalani is a fucking bad ass in this chapter.

Double update 😘👌🏽

Maddie pov
I wake up to my hair being pulled back.
I look up and see jack. He smiles and I look over at Kalani whose still asleep
"Shhh Maddie. You don't wanna wake her up do you?"
I sigh.
"What jack"
"You told her. Didn't I tell you not to tell her?"
I nod slowly and he pulls out a gun. My heart drops.
"I don't have time for games Maddie. I don't want her in my way. And I'll kill her. Just like I did Nicole"
Before I can think I scream
"KALANI WAKE UP!" She fastly sits up and sees jack.
Jack smiles. "Hi Kalani"
She rolls her eyes "hello jack. Are you that much of a punk that you need a gun?"
He grinds his teeth "are you that stupid to talk to me that way. Especially since I have a gun pointed towards you"
She smiles. "Yep *she pops the p* you don't have enough balls to handle me without that gun. Your weak. A weak little boy who preys on a innocent girls"
He grabs me "make her shut up Maddie"
Kalani smirks and kisses me. And then looks at him. "Look jack. I know you think you own her but" she stands up and walks to him. "I own her now. Not you." He squeezes my arm "who owns you Maddie??"
Kalani smirks and he raises his gun
Kalani mocks him. "Awwww is the baby mad? You gonna shoot me? Did your mommy forget to put you down for a nap cranky boy"
"Shut the fuck up! Be scared of me bitch!"
She smirks.
"Or what?"
He throws the gun down and grabs Kalani chocking her. She smirks and grabs him flipping him over into the floor. She punches him repeatedly
"Don't. Fuck. With. My. Girl. "
He was bleeding but laughing. "She's her dads girl Kalani. She'll always be. She might not be afraid of me anymore. But she'll always be afraid of her dad"
He fasfly pulls out a knife and slashes kalanis arm. But Kalani takes the knife and stabs him. Over and over and over I pull her off and I cry. She holds me.

"It's okay Maddie. Your okay. "
I nod and look at her arm. "You need stitches Kalani. We also have to call the police...I think jacks dead"
She nods and calls the police.

Kalani pov
3 hours later.
I'm sitting in a hospital bed holding Maddie in my arms when Mackenzie runs in. She smiles.
"Kalani your a savage"
I laugh "oh why is that?"
"You did something that everyone was afraid to do. You protected Maddie and you killed her abuser. You beat his ass. Even though you got cut in the process. Your savage lani." I laugh

"Thanks Mackenzie"
She nods and sits. "Sooo the doctor said you can go home. If an adult comes and gets you...Maddie told me not to call your parents. So instead moms signing you out. And your gonna have to stay with us for a few days"

I smile and kiss Maddie "I'm perfectly fine with that"

Mackenzie laughs. "I bet you are. Ya nasty" (that so raven 'ya nasty' lol)

I laugh and so does Maddie.

Two days later.

Maddie hasn't been letting me do Shit with the arm jack cut. She's been bathing me and feeding me
I don't mind. But I'm not helpless
I sit beside her on the bed.
"What's up Maddie?"
"Why don't you let me fuck you?"
Well that was blunt
I smirk

"Because. I just don't like it."
She pouts "please Kalani. Please. I wanna taste you. You always taste me and your always fingering me and being dominant. Why won't you let me?"

I grunt and look at her. "I'll let you. But only once. I don't want you to get used to being in control of my body. I don't like being fucked but for you...I'll let you"
She smiles and kisses me. "Thank you. But when?"
I smirk "soon. Not now. But soon"
She nods and lays her head on my chest
I stroke her hair and kiss her neck.
We turn on Netflix and I watch stranger things with her.


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