20-Howd you find me?

374 11 3

1 month later

Maddie's pov

Kalanis In Oakland teaching dance classes.
She doesn't know I'm here
I walk into school

Really sore from last night. He went hours with me..between being beaten and raped. I got no sleep.

I walk into my class and the speaker goes off

"Will Madison Ziegler come to the front office?"

I grunt. What did I fucking do.

I walk to the office and walk in. The principal was standing there waiting for me. "Go to my office Maddie"
"I don't understand what I did ms dagger"
"Just go." I sigh and walk into her office.

God please don't let her call my dad.

I walk in and someone grabs me and I freak out
And then I see Chloe walk out of the closet "c-Chloe??"
"Hey mads" I'm still struggling to get free Chloe laughs. "Why don't you stop struggling and turn around"
I stop struggling and turn around.
"LANI!" I jump on her wrapping my legs and arms around her. I cry.
"It's okay princess. I got you"
I nod in the crook of her neck
"I- how'd you find out where I was?"
"Your friend" I don't ask who. I just hold onto her.

"I love you Maddie"
"I love you too kalani"
She smiles and puts me down. She locks the principal door.

"Shirt, jacket. And jeans off"
"But I'm not al-"
"Don't give me that crap. Just do it"
I take it off and they both gasp.

Chloe- Maddie.....your....your so tiny...
Kalani- and bruised...

I sigh. I'm shivering "can I put back on my jacket"
They nod and I get dressed
Then kalani pulls me into her. I whimper. My whole body hurts.
"Yes princess?"
"I...I hurt. Really bad." She nods. "Where?"

I point to my private and she deeply sighs.

"I'm taking you home princess"
"You can't"
"Yes the fuck I can. And I am."
"Kalani...think this through. He'll kill me. And then he'll kill everyone close to me including you. And Chloe, Kendal and even mom especially me you and Mackenzie"
"No. You can't take me home"

She sighs and looks at me for a few minutes

"Then I'm coming with you"
"Fuck no. No kalani. No I won't l-"
She kisses me "shut the fuck up Madison. I'm coming with you."
"B-but what I-if h-he...they...hurt you.."
"Does it look like I care? You won't let me take you home. So I'm coming with you. If I don't. Their gonna end up killing you. And I won't. I won't let that happen. "
I slowly nod "o..okay"

We take Chloe home and then kalani drives me to my dads and we get out. With shaky hands I tried to unlock the door but I couldn't do she did

I walk inside holding her hand and my dads girlfriend smirks "I don't recall saying you could have friends over Madison"
Kalani opens her mouth to speak but I hit her in her side. Everything I could image kalani saying would just make this worst
She glares at me I sigh

"Madison. Your friend can't stay. You have chores"
I open my mouth to speak but kalani cuts me off
"Does it look like my hands are broken? I can do fucking chores you dick head"
My dads girlfriend smirks. "Oh Madison. Your friend is very sassy" kalani opens her mouth to say something but I cut her off "kalani don't"
She closes her mouth and nods.

She looks at me. "Wash the dishes. Make dinner. Check on my son. Clean mine and Kurt's room. And then clean the bathroom" I nod pulling kalani with me.

I sigh and kiss her. "You cant do that Lani...you can't talk to her like that."
She sighs. "Why the fuck not? Because she's not gonna fucking touching me. I'll beat her ugly ass. And she's not gonna touch you either" I sigh "Lani.."
she kisses me "shush" ingrynt and do the chores.

Kalani pov

We're now laying on Maddie's bed in FaceTime with Mackenzie

When her bastard dad walks in.

"Kenz we gotta go. Love you"
I hand up and he just shakes his head. His girlfriend was behind him.

"Kalani fucking Hilliker...why are you here?"
I smirk and raise mine and Maddie's hand. "Well you rudely took my fucking girlfriend away from me. Was I just supposed to sit back and be okay with that?" He rolls his eyes.
"Go home while you still can"
"Is that a threat Mr. Ziegler?"
"No. It's a fucking promise. Leave kalani before I hurt you"

I get in his face. "Touch me. I fucking dare you." He smiles. "You didn't have that much courage when mommy and daddy were beating your ass"
"Well shit changes asshole."
He laughs "go home"
I smile. "I'm not going anywhere. Unless I'm taking Maddie with me. So fuck off"
He slaps me and Maddie stands. I smirk and hold my cheek
"Babe. Sit down"
"K-kalani just go"
I smirk "no" and I punch Her dad in the face and he falls to the ground. I smile. "Don't touch me asshole. I'm not that weak little girl you got emancipated 5 months ago. I'll beat your ass. I suggest you don't touch me agian"

He stands and laughs. "Maddie come"
I turn my head to Maddie

"Come Maddie"

"Madison. Stay"

He growls "Maddie who are you gonna listen too? Hmm?" She whimpers.

"I'll give you one last chance. Come Maddie" she walks to him and his bitch ass girlfriend grabs me.

He hit her. Over and over. I couldn't take it. So I threw my head back as hard as I could knocking her out and I pulled him off of her. I beat him up until his nose was bleeding and he was coughing up blood

"Lani s-stop"
I get off him.
And I look at her. "I love you Maddie" she smiles "I love you more kalani"
I smile and kiss her. I drag them out and then I hold her until she falls asleep.

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