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This whole chapter is kalanis pov
So yea.

Kalanis pov
Today we have court.
I hand Maddie a dress to put on. She smiles and puts it on. I put on a vest suit and some heels. Then I hand her heels.
She frowns. Maddie's hates heels.
"But ka-" I kiss her. "Put them on. It's only for a little. I'll bring you flats so when we get in the car you can change"
She nods.


"All stand"

We stand and Maddie grips my hand

"Mr. Ziegler. Your representing ms. Hilliker. Am I correct?"


She smiles. And I look over to see my mom staring at me. I gulp.

"Ms. Hilliker. Why should I grant this emancipation?"

I look at him.

"I mean. Well. I already basically take care of myself. I make my own money. I'm a professional dancer. My parents constantly take my money and degrade me. Their horrible. I can drive myself. I can take care of my self. I don't see why I should have to be under their care"

He nods. And ask my moms some questions

He bangs his hammer thing.

"Mr. Ziegler said that you are abused. Is that correct ms. Hilliker?"
I nod.

"Yes sir"

He looks at me.

"How do?"

I sigh and look down. Maddie grips my hand.
I can't punk out on this. She did to much for me to give in.

"My dad....he beats.and molest me...my mom beats me and gets into my head. She locks me in the basement for days. And she cuts off communication from the world."

He nods.

"Well. Ms. Hilliker. You make your own money. And you have your own car. Do you have a place to stay?"

Maddie's mom bought me and her (and Mackenzie) a house.
We're moving into it tomorrow IF I get emancipated

Melissa speaks.
"Hi judge. Actually that's covered. Her and my daughters have a house. That is ready for them to move into. It's already funirshed and they won't have to pay rent. It's already taken care of....we just need kalani to be emancipated"

He nods. And bangs his hammer

"I've made my decision.. kalani I'm very sorry...."

My heart drops and I shut my eyes.

He laughs. "I'm sorry you went through that's abuse. You are now a free women. Well girl. And you can do as you please. I hope you use your freedom wisely. You have a very amazing girlfriend. I hope you keep her."
I nod and he bangs his hammer

"Court dismissed"

Maddie hugs me and so does Kendal Chloe and Mackenzie

I smile at Maddie "thank you princess. Thank you so much."
She smiles and kisses me. And whispers in my ear "you can repay me tomorrow when we move into our house"
I smirk. "Oh really?" She smiles. "Really" I smile. And kiss her neck.

My mom walks over and I push Maddie away from me. She slaps me. "YOU STUPID CUNT! How are your brothers supposed to go to daycare and school? Me and your father don't make enough money! "
I smirk and slap her back.

Then I step back as she tries to hit me agian.

"Listen. Kira. That's not my problem"

My mom is stronger then me. And I'm really afraid of her.

But I have to be strong.

"Listen you little slut. Your gonna pay for their schooling. And whatever the fuck else I tell you to pay for."

Maddie stands by me. "No the fuck she's not. You stupid twat. Leave my girl alone. She's not their mom. You are. So figure it t the fuck out."

My mom looks at me. "Darling. You'll do as I say."

Melissa walks over. "No she won't. I suggest you leave. Be lucky we didn't file child abuse charges on you"
She scoffs and walks away.

Me and Maddie hug her. "Thank you mommy Mel"
She smiles.

"Don't. Are you okay kalan?" I nod. "Okay good. Are you guys ready to move? Like your clothes and everything are already there. But are you ready?" I smile. "Yea. We're ready" she smiles and kisses us both on the forehead before walking away.

Maddie grunts. And takes off her heels. "Fuck it." I laugh and kiss her. "You couldn't wait like 15 more minutes?" She shakes her head. And pouts. "No. I really couldn't" I laugh and pick her up. I walk her to the car. She smiles "how can you carry me in heels? Are you a witch?" I laugh and roll my eyes. "Oh shush"

Chloe and Mackenzie rode with me and Maddie. I drives and I complained the whole way. So Chloe say she'd drive back.

I hand Chloe the keys and she rolls her eyes. "Get in the car before I change my mind" I laugh and get in the car.
Maddie slides her hand up my thigh. I look at her. "No" she continues and she squeezes my inner thigh. Really close to my pussy. I grunt and I grab her hand moving it away. I whisper I her ear. "Wait until I get you alone princess. You know your not allowed to do that."
She smirks. "Mmmm kay mommy" Chloe looks back at us. "What are you two doing back there?"
I smile at her. "Nothing chlo. Maddie's just being a little mischievous "
She nods and Maddie lays her head on my shoulder.

We're currently at the store. Grocery shopping for our house
Mackenzie got a lot of junk food.
And Maddie made her out half of it back.
We got a lot of fruits and healthy stuff.
When we were done. We went to the house to put it up.

Now we're home. It's 11pm. And Maddie's laying on my chest. I smile and whisper in her ear
"I can't wait until tomorrow. I wanna say thank you now" she nods and I kiss her.
It gets heated pretty fast. Soon I'm on top of her taking off her shirt. I smile and look at her body. "I love you Maddie."
She smiles. "I love you too kalani"

She was humming and I started pumping faster. "Fuck mommy"
I smile and kiss her while I thrust in her harder "m-mommy" I could tell her was close so I pulled out and went to her core and ate her. She came on my face I smile and lick her slit.

"That's my girl"
She smiles and lays in my arms. "Thank you Maddie" she smiles. And kisses me. "Don't. You don't need to"
With that. We fell asleep.

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