18-I dont know anymore

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I wrote this chapter last night/ this morning.
And I decided I'd post it.

Anyway......a lot of ideas flooded my head last night. So yea. Here's the next chapter.

Kalanis pov

I was soaking in the information Mackenzie just told me.

Why. Why didn't she tell me? I would of stopped it.

I punch a hole in the wall. And keep punishing until my knuckles are bleeding. Chloe grabs me.

"Calm the fuck down. Spazzing the fuck out won't find her. Put your energy into looking for her. Not destroying the house"
I sigh and sit on the sofa. And I try to track her phone agian. But Maddie never uses location

I cry and I cry. I never cry. But for her I'd cry a river.

Maddies pov

I'm cold.
And I'm hurting
And I'm bruised
And I'm alone.
I'm scared.

I want kalani. But now I can't have her. I know he meant his words when he said he'd hurt Mackenzie and her if I don't keep the deal.
I'm afraid. All I want to do is to be happy...and something. Somewhere always seems to fuck that up. Rather it's my own self hatred. Kalanis parents. Or my dad. Something stops me from being happy. Happy with kalani

My phone vibrates. I grab it and answer. Then I realize it was a FaceTime

"Oh my god!!"
"Shhhh kalani shhh"
"Baby....why didn't you tell me the truth?"
"He said hed hurt Mackenzie...and you"1
Mackenzie was sitting beside her and she went off on me.
"I DONT FUCKING CARE IF HE HURTS ME. DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT????? If it would of kept you fucking safe he could of hurt me. I don't care. But now. Now your not safe. Your fucking eye is black and your lip is busted. And I'm pretty sure he's raped you more then once. Am I fucking correct?"
I nod "Madison! Your my sister! Why..why would you let him do this?"
"Because Mackenzie. I'm your big sister. I'm not letting him hurt you again. I wasn't able to stop him before. But now. Now I can. So I am. I wanted kalani emancipated not you. I made this fucking deal. So I have to deal with the damn consequences. I love you Mackenzie. And I don't want you involved"

"But I am involved Maddie....I'm so so involved"

I didn't know how to reply. So I just nodded. Kalani sighs. "Turn your location on"
"No kalani. I'm not turning my location on. I'm sorry....I won't put you....or Mackenzie in danger....I'll...I'll see you in a year and 3 months"
"Maddie don't you dare end this call"
"I love you kalani. Keep Mackenzie safe and happy for me."
"I love you..bye.."

Kalani pov
I got up and threw my phone down. I got up and went to my room and locked the door. I cried more. And then I cut.

Once for believing the lie.
Three times for never turning her location on
Once for not going with her
And five times for her getting me emancipated

I just let them bleed. Soon the world goes black and I'm in a deep sleep.

I wake up in my bed with bandaged wrist and Mackenzie wrapped around me. I sigh and she instantly wakes up.
"Sorry...I...sorry I didn't mean to wake you"
She nods. "Kalani?"
"Hurting yourself isn't gonna bring her home"
I nod. "I...I know"
"You have to be strong for her. We have to keep fighting for her. She thinks this is safer kalani. If she didn't she wouldn't be doing it"
I sigh "I know" she nods and puts her knees to her chest and deeply exhales. I pull her into me. "I'm gonna find her...I don't know how....but I'm gonna find her. I can't go a year knowing she's in that fucking house with him"
She nods. "Okay Lani"
Chloe and Kendal walk in. "Hey guys..." I smile a little and wave.
They sit on my bed. "Maddie texted us last night...she wants us all to go to school today and try to function without her"
"No. I won't go"

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