32- shes gone

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Your gonna hate me after this chapter.
I'm sorry, please forgive me

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Kalanis pov

Chloe looked at me

"You ready?"
"I'm Going alone Chloe"
"Fuck n-"
I cut her off
"Look. Give me an hour. If I'm not out. Then you can come in."

She nods.
"Fine. If that bitch hurts you, she's dead"
I smile
"Love you chlo"
"Love you too Lani"

I walk to the door
And I knock.

Bella opens it in smirks

"Come to buy me a new door?"
I smirk

I walk past her and she slams the door

"What do you want? Are you horny because your girlfriend is dead?"

I grit my teeth

"She's nod dead asshole"

She smirks

"Oh...let's see how long it stays that way"
It takes everything not for me not to attack her.

"What did you do to her Bella?"

She smirks

"I made her call me Momma Bella, I fucked Her daily, I made her believe her mom was dead, I beat her, oh and I got her addicted to drugs, don't forget I almost killed her"

I pin her against the wall

"You better pray to whatever god you believe in. Because I'm gonna fuck you up"

She smiles and pushes me into the flood
Catching me off gaurd

"Come on kalani, Let's fuck, I'm a dom and your a dom, it should be fun"

I push her off

"No, touch me agian Bella...and I'll kick your ass"

She smirks

"Not until you tell me what you gave her...what she's addicted to."

"What isn't she addicted to is the better question"

I shut my eyes

"Annabella stop the bullshit"

She laughs

"Yano....she still has nightmares about her dad...she still has nightmares about what he did to you...and you know what? If you would have never meant her, she wouldn't of got kidnapped, she wouldn't of been raped, she would be happy..with me..but you Kalani Hilliker, you leave a scar everywhere you go"

I look at her.

"Fine. Don't tell me then asshole"

I turn around but she grabs me.

"How bad do you wanna know?"

"What do you want?"

"Finger me"

"Fuck no!"

She laughs.

"Then you'll never know kalani...Without the drug that she's on....She'll go crazy...she'll get really sick without it...because the withdraw for it...it's deadly...maybe even deadlier them pixie dust"

"Bella what the fuck is she on!!!"

"Finger me and I'll tell you"


"Have fun organizing her funeral"

I pin her to the wall
I push her shorts down and slide my finger in her. Since she had no panties on

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