21- The worst part is knowing

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Sad chapter.
Short chapter.
It's about to be a double update 😘👌🏾
Keep tuned for that. It'll be posted in an hour or two. Or who knows. Maybe in a matter of minutes


I passed my test today.

Both of them.

But yea (:


2 months later

Maddie's pov

Kalani...she's basically saving me.
My dad....he won't hurt me around her. And he called his girlfriend off.

Kalani wraps her arms around me.

"Hey lani"
"Hey princess"
She kisses my neck and I smile
"I lo-"
Mackenzie comes in the room.
My heart sinks. I run and grab her hugging her.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"D-dad took me from school...he said if i screamed he'd kill you"
"Has he hurt you kenz?"
"N-no" she's lying
"Kenz...what did he do? Number 1 or 2"
"1 and 2"
1 is for bearings and 2 is for rape

I deeply sigh. "This is all my fault. All my fucking fault."

"Maddie. It's okay. I'm okay"
"No it's not! He told me. He warned me. If I didn't finish the deal he'd hurt you. And he did. This is my fucking fault"

Kalani grabs me and I push her off
"No kalani. Don't. Just don't"

She sighs and Mackenzie looks at me. "I love you Maddie. Now I can help"

"That's the problem! I don't want you to help! I can handle it!"

Before she could reply my dad walks in.

"Come Mackenzie" I look at her and grab her pushing her to kalani

"Kalani. Keep her with you"
I look at my dad and walk to him pulling him out the room.

He smirks. "Kalani wasn't letting me touch you Maddie. I had to get a replacement"
"Let her go home"
he smirks. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fuck me like you fuck kalani and I'll let her go."

"I- I- I can't do that " he smirks
"Too bad."
I sigh "please daddy....anything but that. Please"
He thinks for a little. "Sure."
I want to ask him what he gonna do but I'm scared. He grabs me walking back in the room.

"Get your sister and cover her eyes" I nod and do what he says.

He drops her off home and then he goes back to his house where a bunch of guys are waiting for him.

I gulp "go get kalani" I look at him
He grabs me "go get her. Or I'll go back and kill Mackenzie"


"Yes princess?"
I grab her hand pulling her to my dads room her arms instantly wrap around me pulling me into her.

"Maddie. How tight is kalani?"
My heart starts to race. "Dad no"
He smirks. And looks at kalani

Kalanis pov

"Kalani. Let go of Maddie"
He smirks "kalani. Let her go or I'll kill the both of right now" he holds up a gun and I let her go.

He smiles and hands the gun to one of his friends. And another one of his friends grabs Maddie.

He whispers
"I'm gonna fuck you...and then. I'll fuck your precious girlfriend too...the only difference is my friends are gonna fuck her too"
I grit my teeth "don't touch her you slimy bastard" he smirks
"I like you kalani. You don't even care that I'm gonna rape you. All your worried about is your precious girlfriend"
Maddie was now crying and hyperventilating

He raped her first.
And then I watched as 11 more guys raped her.
And then. Well then he grabbed me
And he raped me too. He picked her up and walked her to her room and his friend did the same for me.

she didn't speak. I scoot to the corner she's in and reach for her but she whimpers "don't touch me"
I sigh
She stands up and walks to the bathroom
I walk after her and she breaks her mirror with her fiat grabbing the class putting it to her wrist
Her fist a bloody and she's shaking.
She pushes the glass into her skin
"Maddie no!"
"He raped me kalani...they all raped me...but that....that isn't the worst part. The worst part is knowing...that he raped you too.."

"Maddie don't"

"He has no reason to hold you once I'm dead. He has no reason to go after Kenzie once I'm dead. I love you kalani. Goodbye"

To be continued.....

Don't like? Don't fucking read.😘 simple

-Jay 🐶

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