28- hurry

307 11 7

And this is my last update for tonight
Goodnight 😘

Maddie's pov

It's been two weeks.
I haven't seen kalani...or Mackenzie
I don't know if they buried my mom or not.
It's just been me and Bella

I mean. I miss kalani....but she has Nadia. Bella showed me a picture of them kissing...she moved on fast.
But what did I expect? She fucks em and leaves em

I guess I'm with Bella? I mean. She calls me baby...and she fucks me so does that mean we're together?

She makes sure to give me happy medicine whenever I want it.

She doesn't let me do it by myself though
She says she doesn't want me giving myself to much.

I'm currently laying in her arms as she strokes my hair back.

She lifts my head and kisses me.

"Mm strawberry?"
I nod.

She smiles and pulls my closer to her.
Soon before I know it
She's sliding off my sweatpants and panties and her head is in between my legs

"Be- fuck!"

When Bella fucks me....it's always aggressive.
She doesn't tease me like kalani. But she also hasn't made me cum like kalani has.

When she was done she kisses me.

"Wanna go out?"
I look at her. I haven't been out in almost 3 weeks
"I..I don't know.."
"Come on mads. It'll be fun"
"I'll give you happy medicine. And I'll let you try out a new happy medicine, hows that sound?"
I smile "good"
"So are you down to going out with me?"
I nod
She throws me clothes to put on and I change

When I finish I look at her.

She smiles and turns around "do you like what you see mads?"

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She smiles and turns around "do you like what you see mads?"

I smile and nod.

I think....I think I like Bella.

Bella bends down and kisses me, and for the first time I kiss her back. She smiles and cups my face sliding her tongue into my mouth.
I don't fight, I just let her

When the kiss breaks she pulls me up.

"Wanna try that new happy medicine now babe?"

I nod and she takes my arm and gives me the happy medicine

Then we leave

Kalanis pov

I Miss Maddie.
But I fucked up and I fucked Nadia....I mean....Nadia's been the closet one to me.
I shut out Kendal and Chloe. And Mackenzie won't talk to me because I slept with Nadia

I turn over to see Nadia smiling at me.
"Hey babe"

I force a smile "hey.."
She kisses me "Wanna go take a walk? Or go to a park?"
"Nah I'm good"

She frowns "laniiiii please"
I sigh. "Fine."
She smiles and pulls me up.
And I take her to this really old park that Maddie likes to go to.

We walk around for a long time
Until I bump into Bella.

She smirks "hi kalani"
Nadia grips my hand and I look at Bella

"Where's Madison?"
"My girlfriend? Well she's coming."
I grit my teeth "my girlfriend Bella. Not yours"

Bella laughs and points to Nadia

"No kalani. It looks like you've replaced her with Nadia....the girl who broke your heart"

I open my mouth to speak but Maddie ran over and jumped on Bella's back.

"Bellaaaaaaaaa I wanna goooooo"

I look at her.

She gets down and looks at me. Then she looks at Nadia and then she looks at Bella.

Bella grabs her and kisses her.

"I told you baby. I told you she was with her."

Maddie looked at me, she was hurt.
And then she smiles

"Have fun with her kalani. Let's see how long you keep her."

With that she left....with bella

I went home. I made Nadia go home.
I might of just lost the love of my life...

I go to Kenzie's room and knock

"Go away kalani."

I open the door anyway and sit on her bed. She grunts.

"What the fuck do you want?"
"I saw Maddie today..."
"Is she okay? Why won't she answer my text? Where is she? We could move back home with mom! You can keep the damn house."
"Kenz....she saw me with Nadia.
She went with Bella. Bella has her on drugs and shit. She's not thinking right."

Kenz hits me really hard


I sigh and nod.

"Get out kalani. I hate you."

"No! I wish....I wish she never meant you! All you bring is fucking pain! Get out!"

I leave and I go to my room.

I slide down the wall and I grab my old blade. I put it to my wrist and cut

Bella's pov

Maddie was crying.
She wanted kalani.

I'm not letting kalani take her from me. Never agian.

I grab her.

"Stop crying Madison"

She whimpers and I pull her up.

"Your gonna stop this. Your not crying over her"

"I-I want ka- kalani"

"Madison your not going back to her"


I grab her and throw her into the wall.
I repeatedly hit her until she's quiet. Then I bend down

"Your mine. Not hers. You'll never be hers agian. Got it?"

She nods.

"Come" she crawls to me and lays her head on my chest.

"Every time you piss me off Madison. I'm gonna hurt you. So I suggest you don't"

She nods.

"H-happy medicine?"

I smirk "sure"


Mackenzie pov

I didn't know what to do. I felt alone.
So I called Lauren. "Laur?"
"Yes babe?"
"I miss Maddie..."
"I know"
"Kalanis a bitch"
"No she's not kenz. Kalani...this ain't her fault. Yea if Maddie never meant her this wouldn't of happened. But kalani didn't beat your mom up. She didn't get Maddie hooked on drugs. You can't blame this on her.
Kalani loves Maddie Mackenzie...she just has a fucked up way of showing it"

"Your right laur...I gotta go. Goodnight I love you"
"Love you too"

Kalanis pov

It's been 2 weeks since I saw Maddie.
My phone rings.

"I-I- I know your with Nadia and that you might not care...but B-Bella's m-mad at me for not Coming to her....she's gonna hurt me again. "

"Bella's been hurting you Maddie?"
"Yes. B-because I-I wanted to g-go with you.."
"Where are you?"
"B-Bella's house"
"Wich one Maddie? Bella has three houses"
"The one by the Hollywood sign"
"I'm on my way princess"
"Okay Lani.."

-Jay 💓

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