26- mommy mel

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Sucky chapter.
But some stuff happens.
Here ya go.
Happy Sunday

Kalanis pov

I kiss Maddie's lips lightly, just enough to wake her up

Everyone else has been up for a few hours now.

Her eyes pop open and she kisses me back

"Good morning baby"
"You okay?"
She nods and then lifts her arms for me to pick her up.

I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

I smile and walk downstairs into the kitchen and place her on the counter

Kenzie rolls her eyes and puts on music from Kendal's phone. And alarm comes on.

I grab the phone and switch the song

"Fuck no. I'm tired of hearing that shit"
They laugh and Maddie kisses me.
"Babe wanna go to the beach today?"
She nods. "Sure."

We ate and then got dressed.

Me an maddie are soaking wet. Sitting on our beach blanket.
I kiss Maddie. And play in her hair.
She scoots closer to me and puts her hand on my thigh. I smirk and put her in my lap.
I kis her down her neck.
And Chloe smacks me.
I rub my arm "why?"
"We're on the beach. In daylight. Your not fucking her here. If anything go to the damn car"
I look at Maddie. "Well we've never had car sex before..."
Maddie laughs "no lani"I frown "fine."

Kenz was on the phone, and then she started crying.

"Woah kenz. What's wrong."
I reach for her but she moves away.
"What happened?"

"Your parents happened kalani. Your parents happened"
"What are you talking about?"
"Your parents....sent someone to our moms house to beat her up. She's at the hospital"

With that we all jumped up and ran to the car. We raced to the hospital

"Is Melissa gionsi here?"
"No sorry."
"What about a Melissa Ziegler?"
She looks agian and nods. She hands us a card with her room number and we run to the elavators.

Maddie's pov

We walked into my moms room and she was watching tv.

She turns toward us.
"Hi girls."
"Are you okay?"
She nods. "Remember I took boxing girls. So it wasn't as bad as it could of been. I just broke a rib and "
She lifts her broken arm "an arm"

Kalani sighs
"I'm sorry mommy Mel...this is my fault"
"Come kalani"
Kalani walks to her and sits her down in her lap
"It's not your fault. I love you like your my own kid kalani. Don't worry about it. All you need to worry about is being a good dom fo Maddie. And keeping Chocolate our of Mackenzie's reach"
Kalani laughs and so do me, kendal, and Chloe

They were keeping Melissa over night so we went home.

Kalani wraps her arms around me.
"Wanna make a cake?"
"Mmm sure"

I accidentally flicked cake batter on kalani and she grabs a spoon and flicks some onto my face.
I grunt and wipe it off.

"You missed a spot babe"
She kisses me "there"
I smile and we put the cake in the over.

We sit and watch Netflix
I scroll through my phone and get on ig

(Pretend the girl is Chloe)KendalK:  had a good day with my amazing girlfriend, and my best friendsMackenzieziegler:  😘ChloeL: Love you beautiful

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(Pretend the girl is Chloe)
KendalK:  had a good day with my amazing girlfriend, and my best friends
Mackenzieziegler:  😘
ChloeL: Love you beautiful

I look around to see Mackenzie isn't in the tv room anymore.

I got up and went to her room
Not there
Not there
My room
Not there
Not there

I called her.

"Kenz? Where are you?"

That wasn't Mackenzie voice. That...that was Ruby's

"Where's Mackenzie?"
"She's with me and Nadia. She wanted Nadia to put highlights in her hair"
"Ohhhhb Okay."
"I'll tell her to call you when she's done"

I sit back with kalani
"Found her?"
"Yup, She's with Nadia"
Kalani nods and we continue watching Netflix

As we were watching. Kalanis phone buzzed
She took the call and then case back.

"Yea Lani?"
"Tanas coming over."
I smirk
"So no sex?"
Kalani smirks and kisses me. "We could always have sex now."
I smirk.
"We don't have enough time."
She smiles. "Why not?"
"Because. I don't like rushed sex"
She grunts and kisses me agian


When Tana got there
She was hyper as fuck
So we took her to the park and she ran around for about two hours.
Then she ran to kalani
"Up up?"
Kalani picked her up and she laid her head on kalanis shoulder
I couldn't help but smile. She's so adorable and tiny.
And kalani...kalanis gonna be a good mom.

We went home and gave her a bath
And put her in our bed whee she instantly fell asleep

"I can't wait until one of us gets pregnant"
She laughs.
"Correction, when you get pregnant, I refuse to carry a human inside me"
I laugh and she kisses me.
"I can't wait either mads. Your gonna be an awesome mom"
"No lani. Your gonna be an awesome mom"
"What about this... we're both gonna be awesome moms"
I nod and lay my head on her chest
I text my mom.

Mads😊: mommy? Goodnight
Mommy Mel:  Maddie this is Greg. They just took Melissa into emergency surgery

I sit up and grab my car keys.
"Babe! Where are you going??"

I was shaking
"M-my m-m-mom I-is in emergency surgery...I gotta go.."
I turn to run out but she grabs me "I'll drive"
"You have Tana"
"Maddie your not driving yourself"
"Yes I am"
"No your not. KENDAL!!!"
Kendal came running in

"Take Maddie to the hospital. Melissa was taken into emergency surgery"
She nods
And kalani hugs me and kisses me.

"I'll be there as soon as I take Tana home"
I nod and run out sigh Kendal

To be continued....

-Jay 💙

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