14- punishments

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Okay so I wrote this chapter like 3 days ago.
But yea.
I'm still like really upset...but I don't think I'm gonna delete.
So yea. Here's chapter 14

Idk what I think of this chapter.
But I know for a fact.
I don't hate it.
Anyways. Lots of sex. And sex talk and stuff in this chapter.

Maddie's pov.

It's been 3 weeks.

Kalanis has punished me three times
Once because I had drugs and once because I disobeyed her.
Her punishments....hurt like hell.
The third Time was last night
Idk what the fuck was wrong with me last night. I cursed at her. And I went against everything she's ever told me. I threw my computer at her.

And she punished me big time.
She spanked me. She fisted me. And then she spanked me agian. But it wasn't on my bottom..

I'm currently at my house. With kalanis arms around me.
I smile and kiss her. She opens her eyes. "Hey baby"
I smile. "Hey mommy.."
She sits up. "Is your attitude fixed Madison? Or do I need to punish you more?"
I look at her. And shakily say "My attitude is fixed mommy...please no more punishments" She smirks and kisses me.
When she fisted me last night. She didn't hold back. She only stopped when I started crying. She was really. Really. Pissed with me.
"Don't do that shit again. Don't you ever think it's okay to talk to me like that. Understand?" I nod and she grabs my face. "Do. You. Understood?"
I look at her. "Yes mommy"
I can't call her kalani at the moment. It's part of the punishment
She smiles. And kisses my neck. "Your little pussy was so red after I spanked you. Is it still sore Madison?"
If we're being honest. Yes it was still store. She spanked it. Hard. Like really hard. And then she ate me out viciously
I don't ever wanna piss her off like that agian.

"Yes it's still sore mommy"
She smiles and looks at me. "Are you gonna be a good girl for mommy?" I nod
"Sit on my face princess"
I look at her.
"Are you gonna be gentle mommy? I'm still really sore"
She smiles. "I'll be gentle princess"
I nod and sit on her face.
When she was done. She pulled me into her.

"Yes mommy?"
"Wanna go to sea world?"
I nod. "Yes mommy. But can I call you your name?"
She smirks and looks me in my eyes. "No. You are to call me mommy. Until I say otherwise"
I nod. "Okay mommy"
She smiles and picks  me out an outfit
I go shower and then change.

Kalanis pov

Maddie tried my life last night.
She even threw a fucking laptop at me.
She was begging for forgiveness when I was done with her.

I look at her up and down. And hand her a pair of Nike's. "Put these on" she nods. "Okay mommy"
I smile and get changed.
And then I grab her hand and pull her to my car.

"Do you want a pink drink or Carmel frappe?"
She looks at me. "It doesn't matter mommy"
I smile and order her a pink drink. And I get a tall latte

Omce we get to the park, I park and look at her.

"Don't talk to strangers. If someone flirts with you. And I'm not around. What do you say?"

"I'm taken. Sorry"
I smile. "What's the safe words?"
"Blue for voices and bad thoughts. Red for danger or bad situations"

I nod. "How do you feel right now princess? Anything I need to know?" She looks at me.
"N-nothing mommy"
I look at her. "What do you have? Or what's wrong?"
"Madison Nicole fucking Ziegler. Tell me."
She sighs and pulls a blade out of her shoe and hands it to me. I stare at it. Maddie's been clean for two weeks.

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