24-Best mistake

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I had no fucking idea total eclipse was coming out today
And I just saw the first episode
So I'm really happy about this
So I decided I'd do a double update
And I may update one of my other stories too.....

I'll either update grow up or the reasons. Idk yet
But yea

Here's your double update

Go watch total eclipse

Maddie's pov

I walked with Bella to my room.

And she sat really close to me

"So...what's up mads?"

"Umm I just needed to not be alone"
She smiles and nods. "Well I'm here"
I nod and she takes my hand and pulls me into her lap.
She then kisses me but I don't kiss her back.

Bella...she turned into a complete bitch when we broke up...why did I tell her to come over here?

She slaps me and I look at her
She grabs my face and looks into my eyes.

"Kalani couldn't handle you angel..but I? I can" She smiles and kisses my neck. I try to push her off. But she's strong like kalani. I start to scream but she punches me in my stomach

"Shut the fuck up. Your gonna be quiet. And your gonna enjoy. Or else" she lifts up her shirt showing me her gun
"I'll shoot kalani. Because I know you still love her. So I suggest you shut up and let me have you. Because" she kisses me agian
"I want you all so badly"

I just nod.

She started off with kissing. Then she went straight to fisting me. And then she started to eat me out.
I was silencing crying.
God I don't want this.

Kalani walks in and her eyes meet mine.

She mouths "do you want this Maddie?"
I mouth "no she told me I had to"

With that kalani pulled her off me and punched her.

"You fucking asshole"
Bella laughs "kalani I was busy! Why don't you be a good little player and go fuck one of your sluts"

Kalani pins her to the wall

"Leave Annabella, before I kick your ass"
Bella reaches for her gun

"Lani! She has a gun!"
Kalani grabbed it before Bella could and punched her in the stomach over and over

"Leave Bella"
"Why do you care? Why do you care if I fuck her? Your not dating her anymore so why do you care?"
Kalani looks at her. "Because I fucking love her. Now leave"

Bella runs out and kalani hands me a clean pair of underwear and shorts
Then she sits next to me.

"You okay?"
I nod she sighs
"Maddie I-"
"No kalani...go be with one of your many girls"
"Maddie listen to me"
I look at her "you have five minutes"
She nods

"I never cheated on you"
"Oh really? I don't believe that"
"Maddie I swear to you. I never cheated."
I sigh "Okay kalani. Is that all you wanted to tell me?" She sighs and shakes her head
"I love you Maddie"
I sigh "I love you too kalani"
"I never lied to you"
I nod.
"Maddie say something. Anything"

Kalanis pov

She looks at me. "I have something I wanna say to you...but I wrote it as a song...because I'm stupid like that"
I sit closer to her.

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