Songs, Memories, and Relationships

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Umm. Germany, what's your worst memory? Italy, what is your favorite song? Both of you, do the other countries know of your relationship?

Germany: probably ze vorst memory is losing mien bruder in vorld var two. I saw Russland take him...... Just remembering hurts me.
Italy: it's ok.... *hugs Germany*
Germany: danke Italian.
Italy: no problem. *looks at question again* oh! That's hard! Many songs I love all these songs the same!
Oah, just the way you are pierce the veil, super phyco love, MUCHA kiss kiss bang, classic, Ich Liebe, a thousand years, safe and sound, roll with the wind,fairy tale, funny little world, and viva la vida. Those are all good songs and I suggest you listen to them!
Germany: um... Ja.... Zey know.
Italy: heh heh... About them knowing. I kinda went a little crazy at the meeting and they saw the cross. My brother was furious. that week was horrifying.

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