The Tragic Proposal

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Hello readers. Thank you for reading the previous episodes. I remember that I had left the last episode at a point where I said that I confessed my feelings for her. This is a strange episode where I poured out my heart to her in a very awkward manner. I thought that I could post this episode as a humorous one but no I couldn't. Let me take you to this small story of a first time proposal that went wrong.

I had already screwed up my life very badly. The entire mistake was mine. No one to blame. Not even Anitha. I knew what was right and what was wrong. But I never took the correct decisions. I felt hectic destroying so many emotions, chances, and what else. They say that you must never do something in haste even if the current situation demands faster reaction along with provided pressure. I came to a circle where I was at the centre and the circle was put in such a way that Anitha was at one point, Nelson and Chethan at one point, my parents and sister at one point, the school at point and flying sign is hovering around my head. The sign said "Choose the wisest or suffer". I blindly chose Anitha. This was a mistake I seriously regret. The moment I chose Anitha, I forgot the rest of them. I felt like I had achieved something. But, I never knew that was not an achievement but a punishment. Blind folded in uncontrollable infactuation, I made the choice to propose her also. I guess even God was tired of listening to my prayers that I want her, I want her. He gave me an opportunity in such a manner that I literally felt him saying "I will give you the opportunity, but I will not be responsible for whatever happens next or whatever goes wrong." I shot back in over confidence "Ok Mr. God, I will not come and ask you to give her back if I do something wrong and lose her." Such audacity against God almighty. Never ever try to show attitude and audacity to God. He will squish all those things like squatting a mosquito or a fly. (Forgive me for my grammar please. Iam weak at it.) And he is like "Fine Mr.Robi. As you wish and here you go." I felt like Aladdin receiving a wish from the Genie.

I got my opportunity. We had the school annual day program coming in a month. One random day, a teacher came to our class and requested interested students to come and join the choir as a part of the annual day program. As a matter of fact, music is an addiction for me, be it singing, dancing, playing instruments or however I manage the notes of life. Without any second thought I raised my hand and volunteered. And the teacher is like "Go to the class room adjacent to the teachers staff room, you will find your music teacher there, he will guide you". I went along with some of my classmates. Later, she also joined. This only exaggerated my spirit to sing well in the choir. I still remember that song "My Bonnie Is Over The Ocean". I was bored of the way this music teacher was teaching us. But still I chose not to give up and continue try singing. One day, this music master comes to us and tells that the next day we have the final auditions for the choir and he would be filtering students. He added that it would be a solo audition. Agreeing to that, I decided to practice for the song. We had finished our day at the school and we were out in the ground going home. I saw her walking alone towards the school gate. This was the first time, I had made up my mind to propose a girl. And without any preparation, grabbing an opportunity in a loop hole or key hole gap, I ran;stopped her there and in the wierdest manner I poured out my feelings to her. And this is how I did it.
"Hey Anitha!! I need to tell you something.
Yes Prabhu.
I hope so you will not feel bad after I tell you all that.
Ok fine what is it??
I don't know. I am kind of loving you."


She didn't say anything. She just left in anger. I tried to stop her but I couldn't. I was confused with this response of her's. I kept thinking what happened?? I was wondering that did I say anything wrong to her??. Did I hurt her?? And lol at my english also "Iam kind of loving you". I was shy, over confident, blind and in haste I spilled out the wrong beans in front of her. I calmed down myself saying let's see tomorrow what happens?? Meanwhile I went back to practice the song for the audition.

This was the first time, I had ever made an attempt to tell a girl that I had fallen for her. And when I was telling her all that, I never had any bad desires in mind. I agree that my proposal went wrong there. In haste, I had spoiled the entire setting of something that I had been praying for and planning for. It might be wierd, the way that I proposed her. This episode is kind of strange right?? I know that many of us would be expecting double tragedy or heavier events. I will tell you, the heavier events happened the next day after her super unexpected response.

What was her response?? A Yes or A No ?? And what are those heavier events that happened?? As usual, stay tuned...

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