Phone Number

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Hi readers... How are you all??? Again a huge thanks to you guys because we have made two more achievements regarding this book. And they are; first the reading count has reached 600 overall reads. And secondly one of my mentors had searched regarding overcoming heartbreaks in Google and we both of us dont know whether it's a coincidence or something else; this book had been shown in one of it's search results. My heartfelt sincere thanks to the Wattpad management team and all you readers for both the achievements. My prayers for all of you...

And as a small recap of the previous episodes, we all know that I had paved an initial way or path for a relationship with Miss Anitha by reconfirming a so called "feeling acknowledgement". We all know how that day went. So this is just a small episode of what happened next after the mixed feelings incident. Let's head on...

Now that Miss Anitha had confirmed that I could be friends with her. To be frank without denying my "newly growing feelings" for her, the next move that I had planned was to get to know her through her only and not through any third person in the middle. Again for that purpose, I had to get close to her. This was a seriously risky job. But before the plan could be even started, I received warnings to not continue this plan. I didn't expect that I would face the warning. Let me tell how I was warned. There is no specific dates for these warnings actually. They just happened at different intervals of time and period. Like there was one incident where I was at a bus stop where I saw and heard a man rebuking someone on the phone. His conversation was somewhat like this " You understand ok!! That girl isn't good for you and for our family... For everyone's good sake please stop going behind that b***h. Should I come and fall to your feet now.... Tell me!! She will burn down your entire life. I can't see that. Why can't you understand that eh???? With folded palms I beg you please stop!!! " I couldn't stand there and listen to his conversation as he continued the convo with too much of abusive and vulgar words in Kannada. And moreover my bus had come and I was in a hurry to get home that day. I didn't pay much attention to his convo. I forgot all that and had the rest of the day gone smoothly for me.

Exactly four days prior to this convo incident another incident had taken place. The night of the fourth day, I was deeply lost in sleep. I don't know whether it was a bad dream or just my imaginations playing with my consciousness. I heard the voice of an old lady saying "Robin!!! Robin!!! Robiiiii!!!! Robiiiii!!! Stoppppp!!! Stoppppp!!!". I don't know how to describe this voice. I could recognise that this voice was the one of an old lady. And what's worse!! Her voice and whatever she was saying felt as if she was whispering some sort of loud words in a windy gaseous accent. I couldn't see anyone. But only hear a ghastly voice. I couldn't control myself for that fear and I woke up only to find out that it was not the fourth night but the fifth day morning 3:42am. I just felt that I had seen a bad dream and went back to sleep. Again, I was startled by the same voice. This time she said "That girl isn't for youuuuu... Stay awayyyy!!! She good Noooooo!! Stay awayyyy!!! Robiiiii!!! She good Noooooo!!! Robiiiii!!! Noooooo!!!. I got frustrated and I woke up. Mom, Dad and Sis everyone were fast asleep. The time was 04:58am. I was disturbed, angry and afraid (I found myself sweating profusely). My sleep was shaken. I didn't understand what was going on. I wanted to sleep badly. I removed the rosary from my neck and held it tightly in the fist of my right hand and covered myself fully with the bedsheet.

I couldn't concentrate in the class that day. I didn't tell anyone about this. My mind was still thinking about this. For a minute, I even got suspicious of my Khushi. But why on earth would she come and disturb like that??? That too in an old woman's voice. I know how Khushi handled me during the suicide scene. I pushed my mindset saying that it could not be Khushi. I didn't know that I was doing something wrong which would cost me an entire lifetime to fix it. I just put all these incidents aside and concentrated on what I was supposed to be doing.

My first and prior intention was just to get close to Anitha and try to know her. Then everything else. So I started with going to her class in during the intervals and meeting her. This became a crazy habit. I didn't know that it would be causing her disturbance. The days even came so forward that the entire science department came to know that there is some serious chemistry going on between Prabhu and Anitha. Even the time had come where I had to execute the phone number plan. I used to wait for her near that place where the teddy bear was found in the mixed feelings episode. The moment I could see her coming towards me, my heartbeats got extremely fast and I could hear it so loudly. And the moment she passed me, there was this very beautiful song from Simple Plan called 'I can wait forever'. The chorus part of this song used to play very very badly in my mind and soul. I can't forget that feeling. Every now and then whenever I listen to this song, I can only remember her and cry. I don't know why.

My initial sources of inspiration to get hold of her contact number came from my bucket list where I had this task of taking her number without her hesitating to give the number. My first attempts to get her contact number were expected failures. I was nervous. My head was filled with lots of thoughts. Not just thoughts. They were open doubts whether she will give the number. And of course why was I behind this short cute beautiful chick (Sorry to refer you like this Anu... But thou art still beautiful and cute!!!)??? 🤔

Finally a day came where I had to reverse the plans. So I went up to her and instead of taking her number, I gave her my number and asked her to text me. At first she lost the number somewhere. I didn't mind all that at that time. But for a second attempt, after a lot of pleading this madam, I gave her my number once again and this time I got my response. And the task was slashed out in my bucket list.

Evening around 18:40pm in my mom's then basic set of 2013; that was a Nokia 101 keypad device, I get the simplest SMS that I was looking forward to. Just a "Hi"!!!

May I please know who is this?
Today to whom did you give your number?
I gave my number to my crush"

I was typing the word "crush" and I had to complete the word by adding the last 'sh' to it. And another message pops up saying "Hey!! It's me Anitha!!! And I had to erase the last sentence. Backspace... Backspace... Backspace!!!

And from here, a new connection with her, outside the college, began!!!...

What I didn't know was that things would change from here. My entire life. My world. Everything in me would be changing. As every person who is into the beginning of love and relationships would feel...

One phone number. Two lives. And a heavy journey ahead...

I'll drop the episode here with the song I have mentioned above. More stories in the upcoming episodes... And so sorry for being late. As I have my exams going on it is really taking too much of time to type and update each episode... And yes as always feedback comments suggestions votings and sharing all are welcome.... See ya... God bless...

Heartbreaks that changed my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now