Corporate World

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Hi readers. How are you all?? Hope you are doing well.. Thank you for reading the previous episode. In the previous episode I had mentioned that due to a super genius idea of my parents life had to take up another twisty journey after I failed those 2nd PUC exams. In this episode I will tell you what was that idea and what happened when I had to accept on that idea. I guess many of you would have guessed the idea due to the title of the episode. Well without further due let's head straight to the episode.

We all know that I had become a sensational news everywhere around me. Now it was time for something new or any random changes that would divert everyone including me from an unexpected exam failure, stress and chaos. Long ago at a very crucial time when my parents sensed my academic downfalls, they started suggesting me to find a job and earn some money with which I could pay my college fees. But I am sorry this is India and I was not of age. I mean; in our country if anyone is found earning before completing the age of 18, the company which is employing him or her would be closed and put under legal charges of child labor. I am not completely accurate. My dear Indian fellow men please correct me if I am wrong regarding this statement. I had just turned 17 a few months ago. I had kept this reason as a big excuse to skip the situation whenever my parents spoke of me earning.

"Why don't you go to work?? It would be better than lazing around at home doing nothing!!! At least you can earn some money. Maybe it would be help for your pocket money or your college fees.
Mama.. Papa.. I am just 17 years old. Which company will give me a job at this age?? Even I have goals, plans and I want to study further and do something!!! Please don't remind me of this job thing. I am not going to work anywhere now.
What will you do if we cannot afford for your further education?? Moreover you are not any good scoring student who can go and apply for scholarships and study under loans and sponsorship. Will you still sit at home doing nothing while all your classmates and friends study well, pass their exams and go to bigger colleges, get settled in life??? Will you still sit at home?? (Damn... one must be really careful of such parental curses, they really became true in my life...)
You know I am not like everyone. Even I will pass these exams. Go to a good college. Get settled someday in life. Trust me. I know you wont trust me regarding all these stuff. It's ok. But I want to do it my way."

And the rest of the above conversation is history...

Later on after a few days, I had to oblige and abide by those words. I guess my time had come for that. To my parents I had expressed my interests of working in a bio sector field or any internet related platform. Those were the only fields where I could work with a bit of zeal. I didn't keep quiet. I uploaded my CVs and resumes in many of the online job related websites. I was waiting for response but I never got any response. I kept waiting weeks for it with hopes that I would get some call at least. Still a no!!. I eventually got bored. And when I was almost to give up waiting, one of my friends gave me the information regarding a company which had regular walk in interviews and I could try for it. I gave a thought about it and then I decided that I would attend an interview and see what would happen. I attended the interview. Maybe the people who interviewed me did not find that workable or employer aspect in me. I was told that I would be informed of the interview status in another two days. But even after four days there was no call, no message or any sort of related information from the company's end. I did not know what to do?? Whether to wait for the call or try somewhere else?? My parents and all those seniors who had good experience in such work fields told me that I would not get any call and it would be better if I try somewhere else. And so did I forget about that company...

My parents are workers and specialists in garments and cloth stitching works. Despite dad going to work, we had stitching machines at home and both of them used to stitch clothes for ladies. There was one customer whose sister in law was working in a data analytics company in Koramangala, Bengaluru. Mom had requested her to check out for any job vacancies in that company she was working. It wasn't surprising but I was told to share my details and I got invitational calls saying I can come and attend the interview. My initial plans were to try for a night shift in the company so that in the mornings I could study or go to college. Under her referral I attended the interview and it was a warm and unforgettable moment in life because I missed the night shift but got selected for the day shift in one go. And the company management agreed to accept my conditions where I informed them that I am writing supplementary exams and I may switch shifts anytime. It feels nostalgic remembering how coolly and smoothly the interview went and how I was selected.

I was a 17 year old employee who was working from morning 09:00am to 06:00pm in the evening. I was paid 8k INR per month. For the first time in life I was working full time. 8k was very less in front of what our family expenses were. But for me it was a huge money. I am repeating I was17 years old. Due to this age difference, I could not avail all the facilities the company could offer an employee. I never knew when labor officers would barge in and because of me the company would be under risk. To avoid this risk, I was legally considered as student doing his one year internship in the company. There are lot of things I would love to narrate here as a part of this wonderful journey.

I remember the first day when I had to go in for the job training at the company. I reached the company gate. I stopped for a minute. I saw the huge tech park, the buildings around me, the working people who were going to their respective work spaces. That very instant, the song that was playing in my phone as well as my mind was the famous Jurassic Park Soundtrack. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or not. But I felt that the soundtrack suited the scene very well. So everyday became an up down journey from home to office. I was never early to office. The journeys were like that. I was often targeted for that. As everything was new to me, I don't even know how for many months I could not keep my mouth shut. For every five to ten minutes I used to ask a doubt regarding the work we were doing. I was a quick learner with lot of zeal. I understood the value behind the blood and sweat that one can shed to earn money. I made many friends even though they were of ages elder than me. In time I shone to the limelight in the office. But to shine like that, it wasn't that easy. I had to learn a lot of lessons. Lessons about education, money and even relationships that I never got to learn from books. I learnt them and so do I keep utilizing them in life every now and then....

I took two years to clear my mathematics exam paper. In that two years, I made a lifetime debut in the corporate world gaining not only paper experience but also life experience. I would only tell a few words to those who will be entering the corporate world. In the race between managing life and earning to manage life, money has taken over everything. The pride of the money that one has earned will always bring life down in his or her's own eyes. We all know how work and money go hand in hand and are important. But do remember that there is a life beyond everything. A life that is very precious than everything else the world can offer us. No amount of words can describe education, job and money. They can build a life or break a life. The choice is left to you....

I don't know how to continue further. I can only say one sentence. "Let's meet up in the next episode"...

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