briming tears

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Lexi's POV

It's been over two hours and I haven't seen Andy yet. I have been sitting in this room for two straight hours. I would here faint screams every once in awhile, but I haven't seen anyone or heard anyone.... I wonder if he is ok. Flashbacks from two hours ago are haunting me. What is he?

I know for a fact that he isn't human. What human has flickering red eyes... He told me before not to call him at night..... But why? Does he go insane? Idk. I wonder why he cared so much about my bruise.. I mean who would care about me? I'm nothing.. im just an mistake that someone tried to erase but didn't get the job done. Andy is making me have mixed feelings. Signals. Idk anymore. I don't know half the part of him. It's 9:00 pm and I can't sleep. I just want him to be ok. To be alright. I hear the door swing open. I look up and see it's a dude a bit shorter than Andy. Skinny jeans, shirt off, with a tattoo across his stomach that says outlaw. Hmm interesting. "Are you Andy's girlfriend?" My eyes widen shaking my head "no- no I'm just a friend.." he nods. "Well I'm Ashley, Andy's friend. We're just calming him down, but I recommend you don't say a thing to people sense we can't erase your memory." He says whispering the last part. But I heard it. Erase my memory? Wtf?!!???? I nod, "is he ok?" Ashley nods "he will be in, in a bit." I nod looking down. A few minutes later Andy walk in. I immediately stand up with worried eyes.. I back away.. I'm still scared of him.. he looks at me with sad eyes.. he looked like he was going to cry.. but why? "Lexi".. his voice cracks. "Wh-who did that to you?" He asks pointing at my shoulder. I look away. "That's not a good idea Andy, for godsakes you flipped a bitch when you seen the bruise. And what was THAT all about?!?" I ask flailing my arms out. "Because Lexi, for some reason.... I care for you, ya I know I just met you two days ago. But, Lexi I need to know who did that to you." He steps closer to me, reaching out for me. I step away quickly shaking my head. "Don't touch me... Andy you didn't look human.... You. You didn't act human.... Andy you growled at me. Roared?" Andy looks down. "Lexi, you wouldnt understand, please trust me.." why does he always say that. Ugh. Fine. But I'm not going to let it go. "Okay.." I say nodding. I sit on the bed, motioning for him to sit by me. As he sits down I look at him "if I tell you this, please promise me you will stay calm." Andy takes my hand in his nodding, "was it a guy?" I nod. Andy's jaw clenches, while his hand tightens. "Who?" He asked through gritted teeth. I look down. "My step dad...." I look up Andy's face was red. Like angry red. "Yo-your d-dad?!??" He says quietly.. that was to quiet. I know because my brother whispers when he is livid angry. "Andy, please stay calm. You promised." Right when I said that Andy calmed down. "Why would he hurt you?"
"Why would you care?" I meant to say that in my head. I meant to say that in my head. GOD DAMNIT I MEANT TO SAY IT IN MY HEAD. FUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!!!!

Andy looked at me his lips placed in a firm line. "You wouldn't understand, lexi." There it is again. 'you wouldn't understand' why wouldn't I!!!!! I roll my eyes.
Sighing. "When I was little. After my mom and real dad got married, my dad was going through depression so he thought beer would cure that.... Maybe vodka a day, keeps the tears away. When he was drunk he would get mean and angry all the time." A tear slips.

Andy's POV
I watched as a tear slipped from her eye. It pissed me off that her step dad did that. But I did promise her I would stay calm, because if I didn't I would of ripped her throat out. I can't really tell you what I mean.. I'm surprised after what she saw so far that she hasn't ran away. "When my dad would get mean, he would b-... He would beat me and my mom. My brother would get into fist fights with him. But my little sister never got touched, EVER. This went on about 9 years sense I was 1 years old. When I was in 5th grade my dad ended up in prison for violation of probation and almost murder. After he left my mom got into drugs and boyfriend after boyfriend." I tighten my grip on her hand as she cry's more. "When Micah came along things got worse... She was into hardcore drugs and he was also. He would get drunk everyday and yell at my mom and hit her.
After my grandma died my mom went into deep depression. She was already depressed. And now she's broken. I started self harm in 6th grade and I got addicted. Age 13 I moved away, made friends, went to parties, and got high off my ass from weed. I moved back here to get better. Because I attempted suicide. And I have been here ever sense."

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