Full Moon

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Lexi’s POV

It was currently 8:30PM and all I have been doing was talking to Taehyung and slightly swaying to the music. He was babbling about his life in Korea and I was happily listening. I haven’t seen Juliet or Andy around. Maryanna and Remington were dancing. Something had seemed off. I sigh and put my drink down. “Tae, i’m going to go to the restroom.” he nods and tells me to be careful. I walk out of the gym and into the hallway, the music slowly fading away. I go in do my business and wash my hands. I look in the mirror and sigh at the failed attempts to hide the dark circles under my eye.

As I was drying my hands I hear a crash. I stop to listen but didn’t hear anything so I continue and hear it again. I let out a angry sigh and put my hands on my hip as I walk into the dark hallway where the lockers are. “Kim Taehyung, stop playing around with me!” there wasn’t a laugh or a giggle nor a response. That's when my heart starts to pound and my worries start to increase. “T-taehyung, p-please come out, s-stop messing around.” silence. Nothing but silence and the soft sound of the air unit coming on. I gulp and decide that I will count to three in my head and run into the gym as quick as I can without looking back. 1… I hear a snarl. 2… I hear footsteps. 3… a red glow comes before me. Red eyes, snarling demon was standing across from me. Lyli… before I could run she charges at me.


Andy’s POV

“Keep an eye on her.” I tell Juliet as I get the rope out of my bag. Yes I would strong enough to hold her down but this parasite is stronger than anything so I don’t trust myself to take her on. She was in the hallway dabbing the red punch on her dress with a towel, slightly cursing to herself. We were going to take her down as soon as the full moon light hits her, meaning her true form will come out. After she is dead then Lexi will be safe. I sneak up behind Maryanna and right as she turns around I tackle her and push her outside the door, making me land on top of her. I hold her down so when the moonlight hits her she won’t be able to stop me.

“What are you doing??!?!? Get off of me you hag!!!” she pushes me off and I stand in disbelief. The moon wasn’t affecting her. “Andy, I don’t want to say it but i'm going to. I told you so.” I scowl and tell her to shut up. “What is going on?” I start to panic and realize, Lexi is probably in danger. “We need to find Lex-” I was interrupted by a loud roar and a piercing high pitched scream.



Lexi’s POV

I was running as fast as I could. I turn a few corners hoping she will give up. She was never a ghost. She was sure alive just...demotic. I run to the girls bathroom and lock the stall. I made sure to turn the light off before I ran into the stall. I try to calm my breathing but it was too heavy to try. As soon as I hear the door open and a growl I put my hand over my mouth. A tear escapes my eye. I could hear the heavy breathing getting closer. I get on my knees and crawl to the other stall before she gets to the one I was in. that’s when I see the lights turn on. I start to panic. I quickly try to get into the other stall but I feel claws jab into my ankle. I let a scream out hoping maybe someone would hear me and help me. Lyli drags me out of the stall and throws me across the bathroom and on the mirrors. The mirrors break, cutting my legs and arms. I land on the sinks, the faucet stabbing my ribs and I land on the floor. When I hit the floor I groan, coughing up blood and rolling on my back. “Andy won’t save you, neither will Taehyung.” she gives me an evil smile and wraps her hands around my throat. She start to choke me.

I’m not even going to try and breath because I know it wouldn’t do me any good. I grab her wrist and dig my nails in her skin hoping she would let go but that doesn’t work. I try to hit her but she squeezes my throat tighter and tighter and tighter. I start to feel numb and dizzy. This is it…

“Don’t touch her!!!” she releases my throat and gets thrown to the wall. I look at who has come for me and it was Taehyung. “Lexi, are okay?” I nod and he helps me sit up. Lyli runs after him but he sticks his face in her neck, which confuses me. What was he doing? My eyes widen as I see him rip her throat out with his teeth...sharp teeth. Taehyung growls at her and throws her to the ground. “Come on, she’ll wake up pretty fast.” he grabs me and carries me bridal style. He runs outside and walks fastly to the car. Before we reach it I see Andy, Mare and Juliet and they were all yelling at us the watch out. But before we realize what they were saying, Taehyung drops me and Lyli tackles him to the ground. Andy rushes to help him but he stops him. “No! Go to her! I can hold her off!” I look over as Andy grabs me and the last thing I see was Lyli clawing Taehyung. “TAE!!!” then everything goes black.

-next day-

I wake up to a bright light shining into my eyes. I squint and groan wondering where I am. “Mmmmf.” I open my eyes to see i’m in the hospital. It looked like I was sharing because the curtain separating me from someone. I look around and see no one here but Andy. he was sitting next to me holding my hand and resting his head on my lap. As soon as he heard me he raises his head and looks wide eye. “Your awake.” he says then hugs me. “Why are you here?” he sits back down and grabs my hand, rubbing circles on my hand. “I want to say something so hear me out.” I nod telling him to continue. “The reason I had been with Ashley and Juliet was because there was another demon in this town. And it was coming after you so we had been trying to figure out who it was. We thought it was Mare but turns out it was lyli. I know you don’t want to take me ba-” I interrupt him by pressing my lips on his. I missed this. “You don’t need to explain Andy, I still love you.” he smiles and gives me a peck. That's when I realize. “Where is Tae!!??”

“Right here sweet cakes!” I see Tae pull the curtain and he was in a hospital bed. Mare was there with Juliet. I sigh in relief. He’s safe.. But one thing I need to know. “Tae-”

“I know, i’m a demon...but I can’t heal fast. And I can tell what you’re going to ask before you ask it. That’s my specialty.” I nod. “The doctors said you can be discharged in a few hours. They just need you to sign some papers.” I slowly nod. “So, I don’t want to know why things went down, but I want to know how you took care of Lyli.” Andy sighs and kisses me. “We killed her. Simple as that babe.” he chuckles. I roll my eyes.

“so , things are back to normal?”

“I hope baby, I hope.”

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