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Andy's POV
I can't lose her. I can't lose her. Oh God fuck I can't lost her. I was speeding down the road to the hospital dodging car after car. The things running through my mind. All I can think is please live, please live, please live. Just seeing her pale hurt me so much. I can't lose her.....that's all I can say....I'm to selfish to let her go. I was suppose to protect her. I was supposed to stay by her be the boyfriend not the friend. The pain...god the fucking pain..... Why didn't I go to school with her. She would of never cut and she would of never ran....damn's all my fault.... I don't know what I'll do with out her....

I walk in the hospital....more like speeded in the hospital. The lady at the desk looked up. "How can I help you?" I stood catching my breath. "L-LEXI GARCIA!" she widen her eyes. "She's in surgery, please wait here." I nod sitting. Later the guys walk in... The tears were real..

Lexi's POV
Darkness... Nothing but darkness... I cant see nor hear. Andy... Where is Andy..... I need him to save me from this darkness I see before me. Speaking of the devil. I began to see light... So bright it might blind me.. flashes go beyond my head..... A vision...

Me and Andy were walking down the street of my home town, mounds. The air was fresh and the trees smelt sweet like honey. Birds were singing the morning song and the dogs were barking the alert. Intertwined fingers swing up and down next to my side as we sway along the side walk. His teeth white as his smile widens. The sound of laughter sing in my ears. "You can't just walk barefoot down the aisle baby, you could cut your foot or even worse you could stub your toe. I don't want you hurt." I chuckle at his response. "I won't get hurt. Fine.... But I get to wear flats!" He nods. "We don't want you to brake your ankle while your walking your way to me " I laugh. "Biersack huh.?" I ask. In three days I'll be marrying the man of my dreams. I'll be Alexis Elaina Biersack in three days.
"Yes, Mrs. Future Biersack " he says smiling pulling me for a brief kiss. "I love you so much " I smile at his words. I look dad.... Was standing there with a gun... And next to him. The girl I saw at school the girl with brown hair.


-end of vision-
My eyes flutter open my vision a bit blurry and faint voices echoing in my head. "Lexi baby can you here me?" That voice... God I love that voice. I couldn't talk.. I was to dizzy. Yes. My vision cleared Andy was hovering over me.. where was I. I tried to sit up but a peircing pain shot up in my side. I let out a hiss slash scream. "Don't sit up baby." He lays me down. I look around.. I'm in a hospital. nowww remember what happened. Andy leaned down pressing his lips against mine, hard... His hands holding my face. "I'm so glad your okay." His head rested against my forehead. "How long was I out?" My voice was raspy and rough. "Just 5 hours." I nod. " Can you sit me up please." He helps me sit up with out hurting my side. He told me they stiched my side with staples and thread. He sits next to me grabbing my head tracing circles against my thumb. "You scared m-" , "I'm sorry." I interrupted. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" I look down . " I yelled at you and you were trying to keep me safe and I self harmed when I wasn't suppose to." He cups my face pulling me to him pressing his lips against mine. "As long as your safe and alive, I wouldn't care for the world if you stabbed me." I smile. "But.." I frown. But??

"I want to know where all your razors are... I'm clearing out the house and your bag. Lexi I don't want to treat you like a child, but I love you so fucking much that I can't risk losing you like that again. The day you wouldn't wake up scared the living shit out of me and today scared the fucking holy ghost out of my ass." I giggle. " And there is something else. Me and Jake talked and we think you can live at your house, but... You have to have someone with you, we talked to the landlord and we can still keep it up. Maryanna or someone has to be with you, Jake had filled papers for adopting you." I sigh.

"I'll give mare a call.." he kissed my forehead, pulling out his phone and stepping out the room.

Damn.... Mom's gone... Lyli is gone.... Why couldn't I go with them.... Or at least Chris... I fucking hate him.. he is the reason I want to die. The reason for my self harm.

Andy walked back in giving me a slight smile. "Maryanna said she will be packed and ready for you by the end of the week." I nod. "I'm not going to school tomorrow am I?" He shook his head. "Nope, but I'll get your homework" I shake my head. "You need to go to school Andy, I'll hang out with one of the guys."

He rolls his eyes and smiles

"I love you"

I have to tell him about my vision.

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