i lost it

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Lexi's POV

"so tell me, what made you want to go to a party?"

I look at him...i never really knew why i went... "For fun i guess" i say shrugging my shoulders. He nods planting a soft kiss on my lips. "Just dont scare me lile that you ass hat." I roll my eyes laughing.

"What have you been up to lately?" He looked nervous when i asked that. Why? He scratched the back of his head. "Oh nothing, just practicing to control my anger and hunger so i can be better for you." I smile patting his back. "Im proud of you " Andy's phone ring making me frown as i hear him say he'll be there in a minute.

"Baby i have to go, Ashley called me wanting me to help him with something." I nod as he kiss me goodbye

Theres something up... I jut know it

Andy's POV

"Okay Andy." I hear ahsley say as i walk in. "I found more oit on our so called demon, witch turns out not its not a demon..." Me and Ash were at a local coffee shop talking he had a lead on the demon following Lexi.

"What do you mean 'not a demon'?

"Its a παράσιτο, the greek word for parasite. Pretty much a top level demon thats is bigger than us witch is orignally called the δαίμονας, another greek word. There is another word daemonium witch is latin. Theres a greek legend and it says.

Once one finds a kissable rose,
Each peddal will slowly go,
Time to time the demon bites,
But rose will never no the prophecy as no time. Sacrifice the dearly rose. And it will be human by dawn.
Dont let the parasite in or rose life is gone by night.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"So let me say... Your a demon and you came into Lexi's life. Well lexi is Rose. And when you came into her life that made her apart of our world, apart our prophecy, she is the prophecy. It said the roses peddals will slowly go, meaning depression. Lexi was depresssed after losing her mom, and lyli. Next, from time to time the demon bites. Someone or something killed someone and made them stronger....the Parasite. You said Maryanna reaked of demon? Well she has to be the parasite...."

"Where are you going with this."

"Andy... We have to sacrafice lexi to save the prophecy.... We cant just kill Maryanna and call it good." I was hurt and confused. "I thouggt lexi was the prophecy, so why kill 'the prophecy' and ruin everything?"

"Because if lexi is dead the prophecy will go on but without trouble to harm her. She would spritually lead it on."

"No... Just kill maryanna."

"Andy we can-"

"I SAID KILL HER!" Everyone were looking at us in the coffee shop. I glar leaving.

No one and i mean no one sill touch her

Even if it meant me or Maryanna dying.

No one touches my baby girl.

No. One.

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