Pitts is my last name part 2

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Lexi's POV
I deserve to live in my own home. I grew up in that house.

"You can't make me live with you guys!!!" Andy chuckled. "where you gonna go? Huh? What gardian do you have?" I smirk.

"Damon, my brother. My Aunt Amber, oh and not only my Best friend Maryanna." He looked impressed at my sudden answer. Jake stood behind him

"Lexi aunt amber isn't stable and Damon lives in L.A., and Maryanna... no plus your safer with me. What if I suddenly feel pain and it's you? I wouldn't be able to get to you Lexi." I frowned at Jake. I can't.

"I can't stay with you guys." I was supposed to live a normal life and take my relationship slow. And moving in with Andy now isn't taking anything slow.. damn it. "You have no choice and plus I heard they are selling your house, so you have no choice but to get your shit and live with me."

What..... My home ..... They're taking away my home? The home I grew up in? The home I took my first step in? When I said my first words? Thid can't happen and will not happen.

I turn around by booking it for the woods. "LEXI STOP!!" I heard Jake and Andy yell. I didn't look back. I just kept running in the deep woods behind Andy's house. The sight of trees pass before me and the sun is still shining. Just as I was about to stop I trip over a stick twisting my ankle and falling when I fall I also roll. I didn't notice there was a small hill so I rolled down that with a scream and hitting my head on a tree letting out a painful scream. Why do I make stupid decisions? Tears roll down my cheeks, because one I'm a depressed fuck and two my ankle hurts like anal. Not that I have tried anal.... I swear I'm virgin!

I groan trying to move but I couldn't. I heard a loud manly screech. Jake.... I almost forgot he can feel my pain. I look over trying to find something to grab ahold of... Why today ... School was just as shitty. "Baby!?!" Andy was looking for me. "a-andy.." I could barely get anything out. My ankle hurt really hurt and it was to much pain to talk. I hit my head and I feel dizzy and I don't know why but my side is killing me. I didn't hit it though. "Baby please answer me!" His voice hot closer.

Jake's POV
Lexi is hurt badly my ankle hurts and my side is bleeding and bad. Andy is flipping out.

Lexi's POV
"Lexi if you can hear me please let me know." He was close to where I am. I can't move.... How many situations am I going to be in.... Man I really do stupids allot.
"Over here." I heard his steps on the leaves quicken. "speak again."
And I did. My side was hurting so I touched my side only to hit something and man did I scream. I swear my vocal cords were broken. Whatever I touched was in my side and I couldn't look at it because I was laying down stiff.
"Lexi?!!!?'' I seen Andy running towards me. His eyes were wide. "Andy my side hurts..." He kneels next to me. "Fuck." He mumbled. He was scaring me. "Your brother will heal I swear but you... I'm going to call an ambulance." My eyes widen. Tears rolling. "wh-whats wrong?" My voice seemed alarmed. Andy grabs me sitting me up. "Aaahhhhhh!!" The pain was unbelievably painful. He sets me to lean in a tree and I look down..

There was a stick...lunged into my side. I guess it happened during the fall. My breath quickens. "A-andy get it out!!!" I started to sob. My breathing is rapid and in really light headed. "Baby I can't, im going to call 911 you can't move" he pulled out his phone. Speaking to the people and hanging up. My eyes started to feel heavy. I was really sleepy. "L-lexi stay awake ok? You have to stay awake." I shake my head I couldn't stay awake. Andy puts his hands on my shoulders slightly shaking me. My eyes close and my breathing slows down. "B-baby please don't do this...." I was losing blood. My hands were covered and my side was too. "Lexi wake up." He started to shake me. "Lexi wake up please don't do this to me again!!!" Darkness took over.

Andy's POV
Lexi was drifting from Me. "Lexi wake up please don't do this to me again!!!" I yelled. I held her in my arms. She can't leave. God I should of let her stay home. I have never experienced this.
"The ambulance is almost here Lexi, don't go to sleep." I can hear her heart beat and it's slow. No, please God no! I was crying by the time she closed her eyes. "Baby wake up..... Wake up babe!! PLEASE!!!" She won't respond. I can't lose her. The ambulance needs to hurry. The stick was deep in her side. She is loosing to much blood. "Lexi!!" Jake was running towards us I guess he healed. "Oh God... I'll bee back!! Maybe we can  save her if they don't hurry." I nod holding her close as he left. Her heart beeat was no more. My eyes widen and my heart breaks. "Lexi no.... Please no!!! Lexi baby don't leave!! Wake up! Don't leave me here!" I heard faint sirens.

I watched as Lexi was put on a stretcher, when I thought things were ok and they weren't.

Why didn't I stay at school.?.

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