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Andy's POV

I felt so relieved when I told Lexi what I was. Like alot of weight from my shoulders are gone. But I'll never get over of what I did to people... My parents..... Or even how I look when I change. I'm so insecure about myself. And changing in front of her made me uncomfortable, but I had to tell her the truth. I was messing with her head and making her go insane. I felt bad when I made her hallucinate. All she could do was scream for help, because she thought I would hurt her. Yeah I can mess with people's brain, make them see things other people don't. But usually let them take control and see what there worst fear is. And I figured hers out. But I want to her it from her mouth. I want to ask her. And I made her think she was crazy by talking to her in her head. I can also do that. I can hear your thoughts. And Lexi.... She thinks waaayyyyy to much. Some of the things she thinks is quite funny. The other day she was fantasizing about what it would be like if I was her Christian Grey.... Hmm after class I have never laughed so hard before.... She is one interesting girl. I couldn't stop thinking about her the first day of school. After I went home she was invading my mind. The way her lips move when she talks. Her smile. She snorts when she laughs to hard. It's cute. And when she is in the sunlight, her eyes brighten to the brightest brown I have ever seen. Who knew the color brown could be so beautiful on someone. And when she runs her fingers through her hair, she does that in class alot. And she bites her lip when she thinks, god how I want to bite that lip. I had that chance but I guess I was to intrigued by the kiss. The way her lips felt on mine..... So fucking addictive. I craved more. Damn I need to stop thinking about this..... It's uh nevermind......

Lexi had stayed the night with me. She had to talk to her mom though. She looks like she is in peice when she sleeps. I need to ask her if she has been sleeping because every time I see her she looks drained. Maybe I'll just lock her in my room and make her sleep 😉. Nothing bad I swear, I may chain her you never know. I laugh at the thought. It's 8:00 am and I have been awake sense six. I like watching her sleep. Not in a creepy way but it's funny because she talks in her sleep. And I wonder who the fuck is this Justin guy. I look over and she mumbled something. I get up and walk towards my door. I'm kind of hungry. I hear Lexi, maybe she is awake. "Hey Lexi I'm gonna get food, want anything?" I ask. Her back was turned to me. "You know what I want..." I furrow my eyebrows. "Um Lexi, what do you want?" She laughs. "You know what I want...... ANDY" she says seductively. I go over and look over to her... Shes asleep... She was talking in her sleep. I went and got food laughing my ass off. Yup she is the one.

Lexis POV
I wake up to the sunlight hitting my face, I look over at Andy's clock and it's 8:50 am. I turn over and Andy isn't there.. where is he. I get up and out walking downstairs to his kitchen. Andy is sitting at the island eating while watching Batman. Typical. I walk towards him. He just smiles sense he has a mouthful of cereal. "Good morning." I yawn out a response to him making him chuckle. Today is Saturday and Monday were out of school for labor day. I sit next to him. I just remembered Andy isn't human.... He's a demon... But I could never think of him as a monster. I had my first kiss last night. It was amazing to be honest. I never thought my first kiss would have a spark, you know? I figured it would just be a peck and go. But this one was heart melting.i was trapped in his scent and touch. The way his lips moved and molded with mine.. Jesus..fucking...Christ...

"I hope you know I can hear your thoughts." I stare at him wide eyed. Fuck I forgot... I groan... "So you heard all the cheesey shit I was thinking?" He nods laughing. "You know, I never asked you properly." I looked at him in confusion. "Asked me what?" He kisses my cheek. "I never asked you out properly, I just went on and kissed you... Was that a first for you?" I blush looking down. "Uh i- yeah...." His eyes widen. "what!?!? Your 17 and your beautiful!! How can no one want to kiss you, I mean fuck your lips are addictive!!" I blush even more. Addictive you say?? Hmmmmmm. "please don't tell me your a virgin.." there was silence... "WHAT!??! Who wouldn't want to Fu- okay I'll stop... But really?" I nod laughing. Geez it isn't a big deal. No one would want me anyway.
"Don't say that lex, I want you. Trust me I do and that's why I want to take you out on a proper date. A lady deserves one. But first, I have a question." I look at him biting my lip. Oh Lord... If he asks you out.... Do you want to date a demon... It could put you in danger..... But the again you can help right. He looks at me worried. "What are you thinking." I shake my head saying I wasn't. "You bite your lip when you think Lexi..." I smile. "I'm done thinking things Andy.. now what do you have to ask me?" He stands up walking in front of me and taking my hand in his, looking deeply in my eyes. I love his blue eyes, they're so pretty.

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