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Andy's POV

"You're telling me, that Maryanna might not be a demon (parasite) and it could be a trick? No, i sensed it all on her. She's going to kill Lexi by the next full moon."

"Whens that?" I looked at her. I havn't seen her sense the time I was turned. She helped me with a lot, i've known her for a long time and the fact sje goes to this school. The only reason she bullied lexi was to keep a human image. and so I called her up today.

"Friday. In four days."

"Andy, I have a feeling Maryanna isn't the demon. She just doesn't give me that vibe. I don't even smell it on her."

I roll my eye's. "Juliet, I called for your help not to change my plans."

"Andy I am helping you! Goddamnit what if you kill an innocent girl!!??!"

"She isn't innocent. She smells of fucking demon. Now lets go and see what lexi is doing."

"You mean stalk her?" I turn around glaring at her.

"Lets go."

Lexi's POV

I was walking the corridors of school. I kina have been skipping and I can't have that. I need my education. Andy... He just keeps on with the same excuse. 'gotta help Ashley with this, help Ashley with that, blah blah blah.' Im litterally sick and tired of it. He can't miss school like this. Its really getting old and im about to find out what the hell is up with those two. Not to mention a random girl showing up at his house the day after we done it, he wont tell me who it is. I just don't know whats up with him.

"Lexi!!!" I look over to see Justin running to me and crashing me in a hug. "I missed you girl!!"

"Me to bubs." He looks at me then suddenly gasps. "O.M.G. lex did you here about the formal?" I shake my head slowly. I haven't heard about a formal. I can't recall the last time we had one at this damned school.

"No, tell me about it at breakfast?" He nods vigorously. I remember we had a freshman formal and I ended up spilling punch all over Juliet Simms dress. I got my ass kicked that night.

"So on Friday, there will be a formal dance and the theme is Pastel Baby. Doesn't that sound cute!!" I laugh, nodding "yes Justin it does. Hey im going to head of to second hour. See ya later."

"When will you dump that bitch?" I turn to see lyli. "Who?"

"Maryanna, I saw you with her last night. She's no good lexi." I raise my eyebrows. My last encounter with her was scary. She seems off.

"Why don't you go away lyli. People will think im crazy for talking to myself. Im not ditching her."

"You can't just pretend im nothing lexi!"

"I can."

"You will regret this!!" And with that She was gone. Finally.

Andy's POV

"Why in the hell is she talking to herself?" I ask Juliet. She shrugs.

"Beats me. The real problem was the conversation with herself. Ditch who?"

"I don't know, but im going to find out."

"Maybe this is a clue that Maryanna is innocent."

" shut up already." She rolls her eyes as she follows me outside to my car. We sit im my car for a bit to see if anything suspicious happens.

"I wonder if she's really talking to something.."

"Or someone." I look over at Juliet.


"Could be lyli."

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