the plan (2)

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Andy's POV
~back track~
Ashley and I run to my car. I knew Lexi had something up her sleeve. All I wanted was her to be safe....I probably failed. I have a bad feeling about her step dad. Just hearing his name makes him creepy and suspicious. I mean he hit her! Yeah why love now? Well let me explain, I'm a demon and I have been on this world for 3 years.... Demon years. My changed happened at 16, so that means I only age up to 19. And that's it for me. Then I'll have to keep track in human years. Anyway back to the point, when I see someone like Lexi for example, if I see her and I want her, feel for her, even love her...I'll try my best to have her. And now I do. Yeah I know how do you love her so fast? Well, that word just slipped.... I honestly don't know if I truly love her, Wich reminds me, I need to talk to her about that. Anyway, I don't know. I know I really, really, really care for her and I'll be hurt if she got hurt or died. See I have been waiting for someone like her forever... She excepts me for me..... For a monster I am... A flesh eating monster.... I haven't ate in 3 days. Yeah regular food but for my hunger in my demon side in seriously dieing. And if I don't eat I'll hurt someone that I don't want hurt. And I'm always with Lexi and it scares me that I'll hurt. .. or ......  Kill her. She is different, her love for writing intrigues me. The poem she wrote in creative writing class was pulling me closer to her. I tried to stay away from her and not like her but Lexi makes that hard for me.... She is perfect in so many ways and she doesn't stop to appreciate herself, she doesn't think of how beautiful she is. And she ruins herself, the scars on her worry me.

I drive quickly to her house. As I get out I hear a piercing scream.

Lexi's scream. Me and Ashley exchange looks running to the door and bursting in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Lexi's mom was on the ground dead, and her neck ripped apart. While her step dad Micah was hovering over her ..... He's not human.... Fucking knew something was up.

Me and Ashley grab him before he can claw her. Ashley had him pinned and I go over to Lexi I pick her up bridal style, I was kind of mad at her. First, she picked a fight with me to have an excuse to sleep on the couch and I believed that so I was mad about the whole her smacking Ashley's ass AND she got her self into danger... but.... I want her safe. I carry her to her room locking the door. I go to Ashley. Micah was punching him, so I pull him off punching him. I get up and he talks "she won't be human any longer brother." I slapped him "just because we are demons, does not mean we are brothers and if you touch her I'll kill you... again" and with that I grab his head and snap his neck. He falls limp.... "Ashley" I breath out. "I'll get Lexi, please take care of this mess." He nods.

Lexi's POV
I was in my room shaking... My mom.....she's gone.... Tears roll down my face as I sit on my bed. I have to be asleep, I mean this is all a dream. Demons are not real, I never met Andy, or Ashley, jinxx, Jake or even CC. Lyli never died.  I close my eyes. Okay... 1...2...3... I open them. There's Andy his eyes red and his teeth sharp.... It wasn't a dream. Fuck my life. He looked angry, but sympathetic at the same time. "Lexi.." he said to me calm like. I know he want to yell at me, tell me that 'you should of stayed in the house' , ' why would you do that's blah blah blah. I look away. I need a good fucking cry right now. I bite my lip to try an not let sobs out. "She's not dead." I said plainly. Andy takes my hand but I pull away. "Lexi.. she's gone. " I glare at him standing up and him to. Crossing my arms. "Stop lying to me, she isn't dead and I know it." He shakes his head. "I'm only stating that truth Lexi, do you really think she is alive after getting her throat ripped out!!!" Hes yelling at me. "Im sorry to brake it to you darling, but you are officially parentless!!" After he said that I broke down. I went up to him pushing him away "you don't fucking tell me im parentless Andy!!! YOU ARE TO, YOU CANT SAY SHIT!!" I point at him sobbing even more, "you can't say anything" I whisper. He walks up to me wrapping his arms around me. I try to push him but he just tightens his grip. "let me go Andy.." he grips tighter. "Andy. Let. Me-" I just cry harder. Sobbing and screaming. I couldn't take it anymore. I fall to my knees, Andy falling with me so I'm still in his grip. I rest my head on his chest, gripping his shirt. "I- I don't fucking U-UNDERSTAND!!"  Why? Why me? Why couldn't Andy like some other girl. No he isn't the reason mom is dead or lyli. But if I would of never met him, I would of never knew why mom died or lyli. I would believe the whole 'animal attack' thing . Why does life have to take everything away from me. My brother moved away. My sister never cared for me so she moved away. My dad is in prison. My best friend who helped me through it all (except for Maryanna and Justin) is dead. And now the only person who ever understood my pain is dead. All I have is Andy. I don't know what to do. What if DHS takes me away and I'll never see Andy again. I'll be in a stranger's home. I needed to call someone and fast. I can't risk losing Andy. And my friends. They're all I have left.

"We need to go. Stand up for me okay." I nod, not letting him let me go as I stand up with him. "Lexi let go." I shake my head hiding my face. "No" mumbled out. That's when I feel Andy picking me up. I look up, he was carrying me bridal style. He walks down stairs, my mom's body was gone and Micah wasn't in here. "And-" , "baby, don't worry about it." Baby?? Whatever. A tear rolls down my cheeks. My life has been shattered into pieces forever. Can anyone even fix me.

Andy takes me to his house. I didn't talk at all. All of the guys tried to comfort me but I wouldn't budge. All I would do was cry. He sets me on his bed sitting next to me. Taking me in his embrace I sob. "It hurts Andy." He kisses my forehead shushing me. "Who will I stay with, who will be my legal gardians? Who will fix me? Who-" Andy interruptes me with a kiss. A long, soft, comforting kiss. I melted. It's like I almost forgot my mother died. I don't know where her body is though. He pulls away "you need sleep, I want to talk to you tomorrow, okay?" I nod. "Lexi, I'm always here for you and I'm so so so sorry for what happened.. I'm sorry for what he did and that I wasn't there to save her and protect you. I'm sorry that your in this pain. Because I feel it Lexi.... I feel your pain, the aching feeling kills me." I shake my head tears rolling even more. "It's not your fault Andy.." he sighed. "will talk more tomorrow morning, right now I need you asleep." I lay down, sinking into the comforter. Andy kisses my forehead telling me goodnight and leaving. Maybe he went to talk to the guys..

Darkness took over soon and I was still crying..

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