Chapter 1: The unfortunate news

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A/N this is my first book so please if you have any comments or tips please do! Also I got this idea from Midika so give some credit to her ok here's chapter 1


"But mom I like my school here" I sighed

"But darling you could get a better paycheck if we go to Florida. And there will cute boys! just try for me honey." My mom exclaimed.

"But mama you won't get it I LIKE IT HERE!!!" I screamed and stormed off to my room.

Yes, my name is Emily Burn and I live in Sunnyville, North Dakota. I'm 16 and I'm about to start my sophomore year. But MY MAMA was snooping in my room and found my letter to go live in Jacksonville,Florida where I would go to a really good modeling agency which would make my life and my mama's life real good.

So now I have to pack for it even though I have a perfect life. Well the supply of money is not great but I have a boyfriend named Thomas and I was popular. But now I have to START OVER!!!! I will die!!!

When I walk into my bathroom where my phone is charging, it vibrates and a new message pops up that says

"Hey the address to the house you will stay in is 2436 Redberry Lane, just tell the driver and he'll take you."

"Thanks" I reply. And with that I throw my toiletries in my bag and sprint downstairs to eat bacon and Frosted Flakes for breakfast. Man I love bacon. well I love all food.

See you wouldn't believe me when I say I love food because I'm 5,4" and very thin with auburn hair and hazel eyes. But I could eat all day and not even gain a pound. It's scary.

"MAMA!" I scream stomping my way to her room.

"What?" She sighs

"What now honey?"

"I don't have any good looking clothes!" I scream from I front of her room.

She swings open the door and screams in my face

"I don't give a crap if you don't have any good clothes, you are going so pack NOW!"

"Geez mama so harsh" I whispered and slumped back to my bedroom to pack my bags before my mama hurts me.

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