Chapter 5: School Blows

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I hop out of the car and start slumping to the front office. And on either side of me, are the boys.

"Don't y'all have somewhere better to be?" I question them.

"No I wanna be with you." They replied in unison.

Great. I'm stuck with them. I walk into the office and see a plump lady with bright red hair.

"May I help you?" She asks me

"Yes, I'm new here and I need my schedule." I try to straiten my blouse.

"Ah yes you have the exact same schedule as Nathan, Carter, Danny, and Jeremy." She replies reading off a slip of paper.

"Great." I mumble and trudge out of the office to be greeted by them again. It's like they can't leave me alone. and I have them all day.

"So do any of y'all have girlfriends?" I ask.

"No." They all reply in unison again.

"Oh." I sigh as I walk into my first class, 1st period AP lang. Ugh I HATE language arts. This sucks. I walk in and take a seat by a scrawny kid with little twig sized glasses. Danny sees this and stomps over to the kidnap yells,

"MINE!" And throws the kid into another desk and sits down like nothing happened. But something did happened I saw it. His eyes looked gold and he had this deep tone which made me shiver. I shake off the feeling and look around to see the other boys surrounding me. The weird part is, the rest of the class is at least 2 feet away from us. Do I smell that bad? The rest of the day blows kind of quickly, until last period, when Carter tries to grasp my hand and the other 3 boys tackle him. I live with the weirdest people and

I'm going to be stuck with them for years to come. I really don't like this school anymore


A/N hey! sorry for the late update I just lost track of time. and I'm sorry that it's short but at least it's something. so if I can get up to 10 votes on the whole story I will update it by 24 hours. it's a small amount so I bet you guys can do it! and like like like

Night! and byee

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