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As class ended, and the six walked out of the room, shouts could be heard from down the hall.

" I am sick of this! You two need to stop spreading these stupid lies!! There is no such things as people being fandoms!! Now go to the  principal's office!" 

 A teacher yelled, two kids walked passed them, Ash Tajiri and Fuyuki Yoshizaki, their hands in their pockets, and heads down, glancing up at Scout with eye's screaming 'Help ussss', but Scout only turned away, trying not to look at them. The rule was, when student's got in trouble, it was best to ignore them, or you'd be in trouble as well.

As Ash and Fuyuki walk to the  Principal's Offices down the strangely dark and dem hall, they sighed to themselves, knowing the trouble they were about to face " Bro,,, this is the forth time we've been here all week...." Ash said flailing around. Fuyuki nodded " I know, we need to be more careful, when it comes to spreading the truth." He said as they both came to a stop, at the big door at the end of the hall.

Both boys looked at each other, then at the big metal door in front of them, it was strange for a  principal to have a door like that, yes, but not this one. There was a reason she had a door like this, but no one knew. Fuyuki slowly knocked on the door, and it slowly opened, and the two walked in. 

Inside was a dull type room, with a desk, and a computer, chairs for student's and a window and a couple of shelves, for holding books and what not. A woman sat at the desk, she had black hair and a blue eye and a yellow eye, but no one questioned it " Now, now boys.... You've been here a lot this past week...." She said looking down at them. They looked down, trying not to look into her eyes, " We're sorry Principal Portal.." They said together.

Principal Portal smirked " This is the last chance your getting...." She said, they both nodded " One more time, and I'll erase both of your memories for good...." She muttered to herself, both looked up at her " What was that??" Ash asked, The principal smiled innocently " I said, you'll get an after School, now off to class, the both of you." She said. As the boys left, her smile disappeared " Those pest are getting on my Fucking nerves...." She said.

Mean While, Kuni, Toris, Dean, Scout, Keith, and John, were all in the lunchroom, eating, Kuni reading for the most part, and drawing, he had always loved to draw. He drew his friends a lot. Scout was fixing the headband that had horse ear's like rainbow dash, and a blue horn, that was in his silver hair with rainbow highlights going threw his bangs, lot's of people had different styles in this school, and no one really made fun of anyone for it, because each of them had their own likes.

Scout stood up " This is boring!!!" He shouted taking out his MP3 player, Kuni looked up at him " What are you planing on doing with that--" He asked. Scout smirked and turned it on, playing Cotton-eye Joe, which he knew got on Kuni's nerves, he danced around, playing his imaginary fiddle. Kuni's eye started to twitch " TURN THAT FUCKING THING OFF!!!" He shouted, Dean took the Mp3 and turned it off. Toris looked at him " You okay, Kuni??", The boy sighed " I don't know, now i feel all Feminine and shit and feel like crying from how aggravated I am." He said, Toris patted his back. Scout laughed " Sorry Bro~". Then the bell rang for class, and it was back to the normal boring day.

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