End of-

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Limp and bloody, the body of the fandom Tumblr  lay against the wall. He was tied up, a cut on his neck and over his eyes. They didn't get it, wasn't Tumblr working for Portal, but of course the three didn't yet know the little surprise, so they ran off, leaving the bloody scene trying not to throw up.

Finally reaching Hetalia and Doctor Who, the boys were caught up "Cooooolll~! So all we have to do is reprogram them????" Pokemon asked, Doctor Who nodded. Homestuck looked over Hetalia's shoulder "You found Mlp?" he asked, Hetalia nodded, continuing to work.

" Hahaha!!! It's fun to watch Fandom's die isn't it?" Merlin said with a sick smile on his face. Supernatural clutched his fist " Your insane! out of your mind!!" He shout, this made Merlin frown, his eyes narrowed as he snapped his fingers, and wires wrapped around Sherlock and Supernatural's waist and wrist. He slowly started to laugh "You know... It's funny.... they say Fandom's can't die.... but I killed them...." He wrapped his arms around his self, as if he was hugging himself " Killing, one by one, I still remember the warmth of Attack On Titan's blood.... the sound of his tearing flesh..... the smell of the blood, coppery....a beautiful dark red..." He said smiling.

Supernatural and Sherlock, hated what they were hearing, hearing details about how it was like killing their friend, Merlin turned to Supernatural and smiled with a very wide smile, " Killing Mlp was the best though.... watching all of your faces as he jumped, seeing the big and bad Supernatural Fandom cry... A beautiful sight indeed."

This made Supernatural rage on the end side, but before he could scream and shout (and let it all out....had too) Merlin took something out of his pocket " You see killing something that can't be killed gets tiring, so I started to think." He said holding up a remote with a big red button on the middle of it " What if, I just destroy this world? Not like any use comes from it. Yeah people may live boring lives with out different fandoms to get into, but who said they wouldn't have Fandoms? They'll have me!!!" He said laughing " The glorious Merlin Fandom, the fun, magical, and more and more!!" He said.

So was that it?Was that really the end?

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