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As the game was over the student's went back to their rooms. Dean opened the door and was surprised to see Scout wasn't there " Where could he be....??" He asked, then went to see if he went to any of the other's rooms. Walking to Kuni's room, Ash and Fuyuki rushed passed Dean, watching them pass, his eye's narrowed, wondering where they were going, at this time of night, when all student's were supposed to be in their beds sleeping, him included.

Ash and Fuyuki snuck around the corner " You sure he went this way??" Ash asked " Positive." Fuyuki said nodding. Dean followed at a safe distance. Making sure they didn't see him. He thought to him self.

 'What where they looking for?'

Why the hell were they sneaking around... It wasn't forbidden to walk around the halls at night....

They ran down the halls turning every corner, looking in every door, and out every window. But it was like they couldn't find what they were looking for. Dean being confused, continued to follow them. But noticed they stopped in front of a door, staring at it.

" B-blood..." Fuyuki said shaking, the blood wasn't a normal color it was neon pinkish color, Ash's eye's widened, he knew who's blood it was, and so did Fuyuki, but didn't want to accept it, No. Didn't want to, but had to. Had to " R-Ronpa.... But..where's her body..." Ash had asked.

Dean hid behind a wall, listening, waiting. Waiting for something to happen. The two took a deep breath, " Bet it's in this room... I mean.... Well-- the blood is here... so it's our best bet that it is." Fuyuki explained. Ash nodded in agreement as they opened the door, and sure enough, found the body, Dean gagged a little, smelling death in the air. 

" ... We have to hurry... come on..." Ash said, as they ran off again. Dean was kind of shocked, was Ronpa not the one they were looking for? But if not her- then who? Then the thought struck him. They were looking for Scout. It must be him they're looking for!

With that thought still in mind, Dean followed them, until they were outside. But when Dean finally made it outside, he saw them staring at the roof. As Dean looked up, terror took his eye's as he saw Scout standing there, with a rope around his neck, standing on the edge of the roof. 

NO! " He shouted.

- Scout's point of View -

As I stood on the top of the roof, all I could hear was screaming. But at the same time all I heard was the word ' Jump. ' in the back of my head. I heard other voices... who did they belong too... oh yea... Dean, Fuyuki.. and Ash.... But that's not who they truly are... is it? Ah yes, I had my memories back.... All the wonderful memories... Happy and some sad... But wonderful... Too bad no one would ever see them... This world is a terrible place now.... Everything is a lie... and we didn't believe them....if only we had believed them... Tears fell down my cheeks hearing them yelled at me to stop... I closed my eyes as I felt the wind knocked me off my feet and I jumped.

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