It begins.

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After the first day of school was over, the six boys went back to their rooms, each person had a roommate. Scout's roommate was Dean, Kuni's roommate was Toris, and John's roommate was Keith.

When Kuni got back to his room, he did the normal thing and sat down in front of his laptop and looked to see if their were any Hetalia updates. Toris, watched over his shoulder, bored. Bored because Dean had broken his laptop awhile back. Toris went over to the mini fridge that Kuni had brought for the two of them to share, taking a Faygo from the fridge. It had many more things in it, stuff Kuni had made, Kuni could make just about anything and everything, well except scones, those things were terrible. Thinking back to it, he once remembered Kuni getting mad at Keith and threw one at his head and knocked him out.

But for some reason, after around age five, he couldn't remember anything, but he thought it was just him, so he didn't pay any attention to it. In the other rooms Scout was on his own laptop " YES UPDATE! NEW SEASONNNNNN!!" He shouted, jumping up and down. Dean put his hand on Scout's shoulder " Calm the Fuck down, pony boy." Scout stopped jumping and crossed his arms " This isn't the outsiders..." He said, making a duck face, and turning away. Dean sighed " Fine, then. Brony boy, better?" Scout nodded.

Mean while, John, in his room, was running around, happy that they finally put the seventh season of Doctor Who on Netflix, even though Keith had told him earlier.

Some time after all the students went to sleep, Eren Isayama, was walking down the hall, watching Attack on Titan on his Ipod, while heading to the bath room, when he saw something glowing.

The curious boy, walked to the light. As he walked down the hall, it started to get colder, the light lead him to what seemed to be the basement "Woahhhh, never been here before..." He said walking down the long stairs. The glow got brighter and he began to hear noises. Finally reaching the bottom, all he saw were computers, lined up by the thousands.

He walked towards them " What.... Is this...." He said looking around at the computers that surrounded him. As he looked at one computer, he saw something that made him question his whole life. But when he went to turn around, all he heard was ripping flesh and snapping of his own bones. Then saw nothing but darkness.

The next day, the students were awoken by and alarm, that told them that something was wrong. They all got dress, and headed outside, where everyone gathered, when there was important news. Some where still shaking, from the sudden loud noise, including Scout.

As they all stood there, looking at the principal, everyone was quiet, very quiet, so quiet you could hear a mouse running.

The principal cleared her throat " Students, I'm sorry to inform you but-"

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