Trying to Find the Truth..

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The next day was like the normal days again, except that Scout didn't go to class. He kept complaining about a head ache he had got after having that dream. The school nurse came to take a look at him, saying he had a small fever, and that it would be best if he rested for the day.

Even so, with Scout sick, the day must go on? Right? Right. Dean walked to class alone. There were guards at every door, and before you could enter your class, they had to make sure you were a student, by scanning your eye. This got old real fast. Having a light type lazier pointed and scanned over you eye made it tingle, and hurt a little. But that students would have to put up with it.

Kuni was doing his normal thing during class which was drawing, or reading manga during class, it was only History in which he paid attention to. He never knew why, but he loved it. He could name all the countries right off the top of him head. People called him a nerd though, but in a playful way, not a mean and insulting way.

Over time, nobody really worried about the thing that happened earlier. No one, except for two boys. Ah, yes. The same two boys that always got in trouble. Ash and Fuyuki planned on getting the truth. But didn't know how, they wondered around the halls "Hmmm, Should we look by the library? I mean- that's where Eren was found." Ash asked, but, Fuyuki wasn't paying attention. All he could think about was the little image he saw in his mind of the poster disappearing. Even if they did find out the truth, how were they going to get him back? They did say all his bones were broken after all, "Fuyuki,,,, earth to Fuyuki.." Ash said snapping his fingers in Fuyuki's face, still having no response, " Yo! Earth to Afro Sgt!!" He shout, and sure enough, got Fuyuki's attention.

Scout in his bed, stared at the ceiling " Wonder what everyone's was doing..." He said, then soon heard a knock at the door. Telling them to come in, he was a little shocked. It was Ash and Fuyuki.

" Uhm... Why are you two here..?" Scout asked, putting on his glasses, Ash sat down on the floor, while Fuyuki leaned against the wall " Dean told us you've been having bad dreams..." Ash said, Fuyuki nodded, Scout tilted his head "Yea... So?" He asked. Fuyuki stopped leaning, walking up to Scout's bed " Can you tell us the dreams?" He asked, looking him in the eyes.

" No-" Scout said.

" Your lying aren't you. You know what's going on. But you try to forget, because you know your not supposed to know. So you try to hide it." Fuyuki said in a serious tone.


" Tell me what you saw!" Fuyuki shouted. Scout snapped "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME! EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF BOTH OF YOUR MOUTHS ARE LIES! NOW GO AWAY!!!!!!" He screamed, starting to breath heavy again, the nurse rushed in as Fuyuki and Ash were kicked out of the room " Nice going space for brains..." Ash said, dusting his self off. Fuyuki sighed " I don't know what came over me..."

A little while later, after yet another school day ended, all the students were called to the gym, for a Student Vs Teacher game of Basket ball. Scout being all alone in his room, started to watch MLP (My Little Pony) on his laptop. The screen started to flicker, from black to white "Stupid thing..." He said taping the screen a little. When the screen finally stopped, a person appeared on it. She was pretty. But she looked to be a robot. Scout was confuses. I mean, the fuck happened to his MLP, a man needs his ponies, I mean dayum. Anyways. As he went to go say something, the robot cut him off " Your starting to get in my way... Now it's time I get rid of you..." She said, as Scout's eyes turned a light blue color. He got out of his bed, and opened the door to go out of his room. The hallway had no light to it. Nothing but dark, they always used to say, There's is nothing to be afraid of in the dark. But as Scout walked down the hallway, there were hisses, growling and snarling. Like there was some type of monster hiding. Then poor Scout, walking his way, through the cold and darkness of the hallway.

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